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a<br />

455)) Watch or li sten and ,l1lswe r the questions.<br />

How does Jen ny norm .. ll), celebrate her bir! hda)'?<br />

2 Do they order dessert or coffee?<br />

3 What does Daniel say to Jenny afrN rhe meal?<br />

... I-Iow doe ~ Jenny answer?<br />

5 Does Harbara give Jenny good news or bad news?<br />

6 Where does Jenny want to go after the me;t1?<br />

a<br />

453 ») Watch o r listen to Jenny and Daniel having<br />

dinner. W hat food do they order?<br />

b Watch or listen again. Compl ete the You Hear phrases.<br />

») You Hear You Say D<br />

c<br />

Good evening. Do you Yes, a table for two.<br />

have a ? My name's Daniel O'Connor.<br />

Come this _-;-_<br />

please.<br />

___<br />

Are you ready Yes. The soup and the mushroom<br />

to ? ravioli, please.<br />

I'd like the mozzarella salad and<br />

then the chicken, please.<br />

What would you Just water for me.<br />

to drink? A bottle of mineral water, please.<br />

or sparkling? Is sparkling OK?<br />

Yes, sparkling.<br />

Thank you, sir.<br />

Thank you.<br />

4,,54 ») Watch or listen and repeat the You Say<br />

phrases. ,CQpy the rlJ.x.thm.<br />

cl e racrise the dialogue in grou ps of three.<br />

.<br />

c ..... In groups ofrhrcc, roleplay tlu>dialogue. A is<br />

the waiter. Start with Good Cl'euiu8. Do )'ou haw a<br />

reservation? Band C go ro Lui8i's. T hen swap roles.<br />

b Look at the Social Engli sh phrases. Who S;I)'S them:<br />

Jenny. Daniel, rhe w,liter, or Barb;!ra?<br />

c<br />

Social English phrases<br />

Nothing special.<br />

Would you like a dessert?<br />

Not for me, thanks.<br />

A deeaf espresso.<br />

The same for me, please.<br />

Go ahead.<br />

Good news?<br />

Could I have the bill, please?<br />

4 56 )) Watch or I is ten a nd check. Do you k now w hat<br />

they arc in your language?<br />

d W;!tch or listell again and repeat the ph rases.<br />

• Can you ... ?<br />

D use common phrases, e.g. Good luck,<br />

Congratulations, etc .<br />

D understand a menu<br />

D order a meal<br />

iTutor 75

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