3 - Weber State University

3 - Weber State University

3 - Weber State University


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122 Chapter 3 Exploring Linux Filesystems<br />

Figure 3-4 The gedit text editor<br />

Source: Course Technology/Cengage Learning<br />

Chapter Summary<br />

Key Terms<br />

■ The Linux filesystem is arranged hierarchically using a series of directories to store<br />

files. The location of these directories and files can be described using absolute or<br />

relative pathnames.<br />

■ The Linux filesystem can contain many types of files, such as text files, binary data,<br />

executable programs, directories, linked files, and special device files.<br />

■ The ls command can be used to view filenames and offers a wide range of options to<br />

modify this view.<br />

■ Wildcard metacharacters are special keyboard characters. They can be used to simplify<br />

the selection of several files when using common Linux file commands.<br />

■ Text files are the most common file type whose contents can be viewed by several<br />

commands, such as head, tail, cat, tac, more, and less.<br />

■ Regular expression metacharacters can be used to specify certain patterns of text when<br />

used with certain programming languages and text tool commands such as grep.<br />

■ Although many command-line and graphical text editors exist, vi (vim) is a powerful,<br />

bimodal text editor that is standard on most UNIX and Linux systems.<br />

~ metacharacter A metacharacter used to represent a user’s home directory.<br />

absolute pathname The full pathname to a certain file or directory, starting from the root<br />

directory.<br />

binary data file A file that contains machine language (binary 1s and 0s) and stores<br />

information (such as common functions and graphics) used by binary compiled programs.<br />

cat command A Linux command used to display (or concatenate) the entire contents of a<br />

text file to the screen.<br />

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