Annual Report 2009 - Isagen

Annual Report 2009 - Isagen

Annual Report 2009 - Isagen


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ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2009</strong> / ISAGEN S.A. E.S.P.29As a product of the audit, some observationswere presented for which pertaining improvementplans were established.6.3.6. Other entitiesAccording to regulation in force, the NationalGeneral Accounting Office was informedabout the Internal Accounting ControlSystem, the evaluation of which is includedin the Organizational Audit <strong>Annual</strong> WorkPlan. The Office concluded that during <strong>2009</strong>ISAGEN had an adequate InternalAccounting Control System.Additionally, it was seen that correct attentionwas given to visits and requirementsfrom other control entities like risk-ratingagencies, some regulators, ministries andautonomous regional corporations, whichexercise sporadic external control bymeans of information requests.7. DISCLOSURE OFINFORMATIONThe legal information that it disclosed to themarket is based on the requirements of theSingle Circular Letter of Colombia’s StockExchange, the guidelines of the FinancialSuperintendency, the Bylaws, theShareholders’ Agreement subscribed by theState as Controlling Shareholder and theGood Governance practices. Informationwas disclosed to the shareholders and thegeneral market through the followingmechanisms:ISAGEN’s Web pageManagement reportPublications in newspapers, brochures,and institutional magazinesMeetings with brokerage firms and pensionfundsPublication of Relevant InformationIn <strong>2009</strong>, as a result of its intention totransfer its shares, the State, in its capacityas shareholder, requested confidentialinformation required for the appraisal ofthe Corporation. The request was madeabiding by the procedures provided in theGood Governance Code, Number 7.4 –Confidential Information.Résumés of the Board of Directors Members,the Legal Representative, and theOrganizational Auditor are at the disposal ofshareholders and the market, and they areavailable at the Web page www.isagen.com.co in the Information to Shareholders section.Contents Letter from the CEO Achievements<strong>2009</strong>Good GovernancePractices EvaluationCorporateManagementFinancial Management

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