Annual Report 2009 - Isagen

Annual Report 2009 - Isagen

Annual Report 2009 - Isagen


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ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2009</strong> / ISAGEN S.A. E.S.P.35Manso - Amaní Consortium, whose membersare Conconcreto S.A., CSS ConstructoresS.A. and Estyma Estudios y Manejos S.A., isin charge of project construction. Estimatedconstruction term for the project is 1,000 calendardays. Ingetec S. A. is in charge of consultingand engineering.During <strong>2009</strong> the works on the access road tothe tunnel exit gateway continued, excavating83% of the total cutting volume and allowingequipment access to the exit gateway beforethe scheduled date. This allowed to completeexcavation and supporting works of theexit gateway and to start tunnel excavationon this side, six months in advance of thedate scheduled in the construction program.Two concrete-built bridges were constructedon this road, one of them, a 25 m long posttensionedconcrete bridge, and the other, a15 m long concrete-reinforced one. Diversioncommissioning is scheduled for June 2011.As far as water intake is concerned, during<strong>2009</strong> civil work construction for low leveldesilting channel structure, intake structurefor environmental minimum flow required andflow reception tank, were completed.Construction of the intake channel to the tunnelstarted, excavating 1,158 m. A 35 m longpost-tensioned bridge was constructed overManso River.Intake structure for environmental minimum flow - Manso Inter Basin Diversion ProjectWorks on the access road to the tunnel exit gateway - Manso Inter Basin Diversion ProjectContents Letter from the CEO Achievements<strong>2009</strong>Good GovernancePractices EvaluationCorporateManagementFinancial Management

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