Annual Report 2009 - Isagen

Annual Report 2009 - Isagen

Annual Report 2009 - Isagen


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ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2009</strong> / ISAGEN S.A. E.S.P.75Social well-being committeeMade up of ISAGEN workers, the Social andCorporate Well-Being Committee consolidatedin <strong>2009</strong>. Its purpose is to channel, structure,integrate, and propose guidelines andactions in programs aimed at materializingthe worker’s integral development andstrengthening the principle of participation.These programs include recreation, sports,cultural expression, as well as citizen-andfamily-lifeformation.Outstanding among the achievements of theWell-Being Committee is strengthening of theCitizen and Family Life Formation Schools,whose purpose is the promotion of the associateas a family role model and as a citizenwho constructs his country.These schools have been developed asworkshops that focus on different aspects offamily life and social-political context, andthey have become highly attended and appreciatedspaces for associates and families.Along <strong>2009</strong>, more than 300 people attendedthese formation schools, which are perceivedby workers as spaces that contribute to theirpersonal growth.Safety and occupational healthTo favor conditions that allow preservationand promotion of well-being of the workers,ISAGEN has a Safety Management andOccupational Health System, with OHSAS18001 certification.These programs included: mental healthpromotion awareness efforts by means of 9workshops on drug addiction; diagnosis ofthe general psycho-social risk and updatingof 87% of the maintenance guides of thegeneration plants on the basis of identifiedrisks.In compliance with its commitment with theadvancement of contractors and their workers,in <strong>2009</strong> ISAGEN continued its safetyand occupational health awareness andguidance efforts favoring its contractors andtheir workers by means of training sessionsattended by 40 companies and 61 of theirmanagement staff members.As a result of ISAGEN’s safety and occupationalhealth programs, its declining accidentincidence rate continues below theColombian power sector’s average accidentincidence rate. Along <strong>2009</strong>, three minorwork-related accidents were reported,generating 47 days of absence, withoutpermanent disabilities.The following chart shows associates’accident incidence rate in the last four yearsCHART 27.ASOCIATES’ ACCIDENTINCIDENCE RATEYearsOf the 22 work accidents reported amongcontractors supporting the Company’s operationin <strong>2009</strong>, none were deadly or resulted inpermanent disability.The following chart shows the evolution of theaccident incidence rate among contractors inthe last four years:Contents Letter from the CEO Achievements<strong>2009</strong>Good GovernancePractices EvaluationCorporateManagementFinancial Management

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