Removing Barriers, Increasing Effectiveness - amarc

Removing Barriers, Increasing Effectiveness - amarc

Removing Barriers, Increasing Effectiveness - amarc


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community radios, that provide guidance for participatory monitoring andevaluation methodologies.1. Laney, Megan L., (2004). Advocacy Impact Assessment Guidelines. FromCommunication & Information Management Resource Centre. [Electronic Version]Website: http://www.cimrc.info/pdf/news/Impactassess.pdfIt is hard to find concrete evidence of the contributions that advocacy makes towardspoverty eradication. This paper provides guidelines for an approach that many NGOstake to assess advocacy impacts. Being clear about the changes means that you candevelop measurable advocacy objectives. Designing indicators that act as milestonestowards the achievement of your objectives provides a basis in your search for evidence.There are different types of advocacy impacts, known as different dimensions of change.This paper describes some indicators for the following dimensions: changes in policiesand their implementation, private sector change, strengthening civil society, aidingdemocracy and improving the material situation of individuals. Participatory monitoringand evaluation asks the people being affected by a project whether it has made adifference.2. Jallov, Birgitte (2005). Assessing Community Change: Development of a ‘BareFoot’ Impact Assessment Methodology. From The Communication Initiative.Website: http://www.comminit.com/pdf/ImpactAssessment-FinalRadioJournalVersion.pdfBarefoot impact assessments of eight of Mozambique's community radio stationsrevealed both positive results and potential problems.The impact assessment focused on three sets of questions:-Is the radio station working effectively internally and do the volunteers have contracts,rights and clearly defined duties?-Do the programmes respond to the interests of the public? Are they well researched,using culturally relevant formats such as story telling, songs, proverbs and music? Arethey considered good and effective by listeners?-Does the radio station create desired development and social change (determined bythe original baseline research) within the community?3. Johnston, Jerome & Barker Linda Toms eds. (2002). Assessing the Impact ofTechnology in Teach and Learning: A Sourcebook for Evaluators. Institute forSocial Research at the University of Michigan. [Electronic Version] Website:http://www.rcgd.isr.umich.edu/tlt/TechSbk.pdfThis sourcebook was developed as a resource for the community of evaluators involvedin evaluating the more than 100 projects funded by the Star Schools and the TechnologyInnovation Challenge Grants (TICG). The sourcebook provides an overview ofmeasurement issues in seven areas as well as examples of measures used in currentprojects.The detailed methodology of this sourcebook could be used to evaluate impact ofcommunity radio, particularly the learning processes.Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (n.d.) CBAA Handbook. [ElectronicVersion] Website: http://www.cbaa.org.au/download.php?id=123This an online handbook, with dozens of chapters organized in alphabetical order,covering all issues relating to the operation of community radio stations, from legislationto programming.MethodsAMARC Community Radio Social Impact Assessment 2007 Page 104 of 128

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