Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College


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first objective of our visit was the chiefta<strong>in</strong>. As we have saidbefore, we 1ooked up to them <strong>in</strong> all th<strong>in</strong>gs as learners <strong>in</strong> order tow<strong>in</strong> them. To dispel their suspicions and misconceptions weadopted their style of liv<strong>in</strong>g as much as possible. Sleep<strong>in</strong>g, wesprawled with them on the plank-floor. Eat<strong>in</strong>g, we used bananaleaves for dishes and the f<strong>in</strong>gers <strong>in</strong>herited from Mother forchopsticks. But, the bitterest pill of all to swallow was to eatrott<strong>in</strong>g meat with them! After they had slaughtered an ox ortrapped a wild pig, and there were the leftovers at the end of themeal, they would hang these up on a bamboo over the fire-placeto smoke. (After a couple of days, it goes without say<strong>in</strong>g that themeat smells.) When you cooked viands or rice over the same fireplaceyou could see the maggots drop <strong>in</strong>to the pot below. But youneed not feel <strong>in</strong>disposed. For whence did those worms come butfrom the meat?The follow<strong>in</strong>g was an episode that happened soon after ourentry to Dyak country. There was a “pilihan” festival on <strong>in</strong> thevillage. This drew crowds from the surround<strong>in</strong>g villages. This wasour chance, for the chiefta<strong>in</strong> “rolled out the red carpet” towelcome us.He fed us with the richest of foods, topped with desserts of allk<strong>in</strong>ds of cakes. With five or six village headmen for our company,how glorious was the occasion! But for some reason I had not thefortune of enjoy<strong>in</strong>g the feast. Though the floor was spread withmeats and cakes (we were seated on floor-mats), I could not enjoythem one by one. To please our hosts I managed to eat three orfour items by a process of breathlessly gulp<strong>in</strong>g down. After wereturned from the feast I got sick for three full days. SubsequentlyI discovered that the fault rather was m<strong>in</strong>e. This experience taughtme to attend all d<strong>in</strong>ners of this nature, hereafter, with a trust<strong>in</strong>gheart.The Dyaks have a very f<strong>in</strong>e custom: they are extremelyhospitable to travellers. Whether stranger or acqua<strong>in</strong>tance, when110

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