Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College


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Like am army’s expenditionary forcesheets of woven palm leaves. With all this accoutrement, welaunched out to Banjermas<strong>in</strong>. Though heavily packed, we coveredthe first six or seven days’ rugged journey with ease. We crossedhigh mounta<strong>in</strong>s and lonely valleys, thick jungles whose ancienttrees reached up to heaven, their thick foliage blott<strong>in</strong>g out the sun.Thorns, thistles, tall lallang grass overgrew little-trodden foottracks.Like sharp spears they stood <strong>in</strong> the way. The forward mannaturally had to hack a way for his comrades beh<strong>in</strong>d.Though we were spared meet<strong>in</strong>g with wild beasts and robbers,we were the targets of swarms of mounta<strong>in</strong> leeches withoutstretched heads like hungry devils ready to strike each passerbywith a “kiss”. Howsoever careful, you could hardly escape thisnuisance. Bare-legged, those brethren and sisters pa<strong>in</strong>tedthemselves with a thick coat of crimson. As they walked on, reddrops of blood trickled like oil onto the unend<strong>in</strong>g mounta<strong>in</strong> path.My heart soured to see this squad of seven or eight bleed<strong>in</strong>gafresh each day. I was fully accoutred, shoes and stock<strong>in</strong>gs up tothe thigh, tightly fitted. On top of that I had soap and tobacco119

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