Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College


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Yuen and <strong>in</strong> its factory I conducted evangelistic meet<strong>in</strong>gs right<strong>in</strong>to the commercial world. Although I served <strong>in</strong> these areas veryshortly, I had carried out a little of my responsibility towardspioneer<strong>in</strong>g work. Today the edifice of the branch Church is moremajestic than that of the ma<strong>in</strong> one.After half a year I resigned from the Methodist Church andcame to Dutch East Borneo. In this unevangelised and uncivilisedIsland, I hung up the signboard of “Gospel Hall” and thus the firstCh<strong>in</strong>ese foreign missionary society, viz., “Ch<strong>in</strong>ese ForeignMissionary Union,” was born. Three years after, I took leave ofthis overseas Ch<strong>in</strong>ese work to go <strong>in</strong>land to open up work amongstthe half-civilised Dyak tribes. In fifteen years of hard labours wehave turned three thousand mounta<strong>in</strong> tribesmen to the Lord. Wehave built over ten Churches. We left for Java only after theJapanese surrender. When we came to the Indonesian capital weestablished the first Cantonese Christian Church. Yes, we are ayoke of bov<strong>in</strong>e pioneers. For the last twenty-five years God hasbeen us<strong>in</strong>g me <strong>in</strong> pioneer<strong>in</strong>g work, great and small. Add<strong>in</strong>g ourages together, we are about a hundred years. Will the Lord lead us<strong>in</strong>to this type of pioneer<strong>in</strong>g work <strong>in</strong> the future? Though our bodiesdeteriorate with the days, our hearts are strong. Unless Godexcuses us and lifts the yoke from our shoulders, we both areready to receive God’s call. We can say at any time to the Lord,“Here I am, send me!”58

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