Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College


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him with open, bloody mouth like a hungry tiger over a lamb <strong>in</strong>his paws, there was an unseen hand stretched over the boy’s headto protect him. Had he jo<strong>in</strong>ed up with the troupe, his bright futurewould have been cut off by this. He would have fallen <strong>in</strong>to thevortex of lust and passion. At this po<strong>in</strong>t, Sun Chow Yu Lee hadreceived such sudden <strong>in</strong>struction to move on that he had little timeto take him along. This saved him from the “the jaws of the tiger.”But Satan would not so easily let go until he got him. At thattime there was a nurse who quarelled with his superior. He left tojo<strong>in</strong> the army and became some big shot. Once he returned to thehospital to show off. Clad <strong>in</strong> stiff military uniform and spott<strong>in</strong>ggold-rimmed spectacles, sw<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g a thick walk<strong>in</strong>g stick, hestrutted about <strong>in</strong> a pair of new polished boots. What an air ofarrogance he displayed, waited upon by an orderly trail<strong>in</strong>g beh<strong>in</strong>d.How could any young man keep himself from such dazzle?However, that little fellow’s desire to jo<strong>in</strong> the army was notprompted by a selfish motive for fame or power. He waspossessed with a sense of justice and patriotism, and a fiercetemper.It is recalled that he was still <strong>in</strong> primary school when the Dayof National Shame, May 9, came round, the day the Twenty-OneDemands were made. He jo<strong>in</strong>ed up with a gang of classmates <strong>in</strong> ashow of irresistible <strong>in</strong>dignation to strike, without ever gett<strong>in</strong>g theschool’s permission. He went on a demonstration with the rest,shout<strong>in</strong>g slogans as they tramped. Return<strong>in</strong>g to school, the gangsmashed up every foreign-made article. All that their teacherscould do <strong>in</strong> the situation was to stare blankly at them, without aword. Should he jo<strong>in</strong> the army at this time, he could well havesacrificed his life. If he did not, he would go the way of all flesh,to seek officialdom and wealth. But, could God permit such a one,resuscitated from the dead, to run off-course?At this juncture, God made him to taste of death once more. Itwas, as related earlier, his sudden contract<strong>in</strong>g of some20

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