Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College

Pioneering in - Far Eastern Bible College


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limited to several big cities but extended to the remotest villageswhere the gospel was never heard. And <strong>in</strong> all mank<strong>in</strong>d those whoneeded the gospel most were the toil<strong>in</strong>g masses and preach<strong>in</strong>g tothem was most reward<strong>in</strong>g. He realised all the more that some ofthe evangelistic methods of his time were Western methods,contrary to the Biblical. These should undergo a revolutionarychange.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Acts of the Apostles, the early Church’sevangelism was on the go. Now evangelism was on the stay. Thereason why the Western missions adopted this latter method wasdue <strong>in</strong> no small measure to the practice of some missionaries ofthe materialistic type. In the year after the Boxer Rebellion(1900), they came to Ch<strong>in</strong>a with the privilege of an unequal treaty.They made their headquarters <strong>in</strong> all the big cities. First theyselected a piece of land of the best situation and scenery and builtthereon the most spacious and comfortable Western-type mansion.They made it a palace like Herod the Tetrarch’s – to rule overtheir parishes. They would employ between eight and ten men andwomen servants, consist<strong>in</strong>g of cook, gardener, peon, valet,launderer, handyman, amah, etc. In their leisure they gatheredthese eight to ten servants to a worship exercise and taught themsome Westernised <strong>Bible</strong> knowledge and recite the Lord’s Prayer,and some sentences of “Jesus loves me, this I know.” These werethe beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs of a Ch<strong>in</strong>ese theological education. Some of thesmart know-noth<strong>in</strong>gs who were good at fawn<strong>in</strong>g became the elect.The missionaries would buy them a blue gown each for attire andsend them to a town, rent a house and put a “Gospel Hall”signboard over it. Thereby they were made resident preachers. Apreacher’s salary per month was between five and six dollars. Notworth very much, it was the equivalent of a slice of Americanchocolate or chew<strong>in</strong>g gum. To employ eight or ten of suchpreachers to the empty<strong>in</strong>g of the missionary’s own purse was noproblem. Once a report was sent back to the Mission at home thegold dollars would roll to the field. The preacher be<strong>in</strong>g backed by26

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