[Lvl 22] - Grasp of the Mantled Citadel.pdf

[Lvl 22] - Grasp of the Mantled Citadel.pdf

[Lvl 22] - Grasp of the Mantled Citadel.pdf


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Several ritual fragments borne on <strong>the</strong> wind swirlthrough <strong>the</strong> area where this encounter takes place.The combatants can make use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se ritual fragmentsusing <strong>the</strong> rules presented in Ritual Fragmentson page 67.Lullaby Fragment (Arcana): A small mist cloud containingsparkling motes <strong>of</strong> multi-hued light drifts through<strong>the</strong> trees. Distant sounds <strong>of</strong> melodious humming arebarely audible.A bard gains a +2 bonus to checks made to activatethis ritual fragment.A character activating this fragment makes an Intelligencevs. Will attack against one creature within10 squares. A hit indicates that <strong>the</strong> target becomesdrowsy and distracted (meaning <strong>the</strong> character oran ally can make a Stealth check to hide from <strong>the</strong>creature even without superior cover or total concealment.)The target remains drowsy until <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>character’s next turn.Snare Fragment (Nature): A swirling cloud <strong>of</strong> smallsticks, bits <strong>of</strong> moss, and so on tumbles across <strong>the</strong> ground.A barbarian, druid, shaman, or warden gains a +2bonus to checks made to activate this ritual fragment.A character activating this fragment causes <strong>the</strong> rootsin one square to burst forth from <strong>the</strong> ground andtry to entangle a foe in that square. The roots makean attack equal to your level +4 vs. Reflex. On a hit,<strong>the</strong> target is immobilized until <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> character’snext turn when <strong>the</strong> roots burrow back into<strong>the</strong> ground.A soul tree can be destroyed (AC 30, o<strong>the</strong>rdefenses 27; hp 69).Writhing Roots: Thick, gnarled roots thrust from<strong>the</strong> forest floor to trip <strong>the</strong> unwary. When a characterenters a square containing writhing roots, <strong>the</strong> rootsimmediately make a melee attack: +<strong>22</strong> vs. Reflex; ahit knocks <strong>the</strong> character prone unless <strong>the</strong> charactersucceeds at a DC 24 Acrobatics check.Stream: This 5-foot-deep stream is infected withnecrotic energy. Characters entering or starting <strong>the</strong>irturn in <strong>the</strong> stream take 2d6 + 8 necrotic damage.Treat squares containing <strong>the</strong> stream as difficultterrain. Characters in <strong>the</strong> water gain cover exceptagainst attacks from submerged enemies. Fighting in<strong>the</strong> water imposes a -2 penalty to attack rolls exceptwith spears and crossbows.Once <strong>the</strong> heroes have defeated Vecna’s followers,return to Encounter F2 and run <strong>the</strong> balance <strong>of</strong>Scene One before proceeding to Scene Two.October 2009 | DUNGEON 171

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