September 2009 - On Top of the World Communities Info

September 2009 - On Top of the World Communities Info

September 2009 - On Top of the World Communities Info

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<strong>September</strong> <strong>2009</strong> The <strong>World</strong> News® 21Back atThe RanchCammy DennisGolf - Drive Longer and PlayStronger!Whe<strong>the</strong>r you step up to <strong>the</strong> tee as abeginner or a seasoned player, <strong>the</strong>re arealways things you can do to improve yourgolf game. The golf pro can assist youwith skill specific instruction and adviseyou on <strong>the</strong> best equipment. But a fitnesspr<strong>of</strong>essional can guide you how to changeyour physiology, which will also have atremendous impact on your game.The specific mechanics <strong>of</strong> golf are complexand <strong>the</strong> swing itself is considered tobe one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most vigorous movementsperformed in all athletics, generatingextraordinarily high amounts <strong>of</strong> force.Therefore, <strong>the</strong> physical condition <strong>of</strong> yourbody is crucial to your personal successon <strong>the</strong> golf course.This article is part one <strong>of</strong> a two partseries that will focus on golf conditioningand how you can improve your game.This article will focus on performance enhancement.Part two will focus on injuryprevention.Sport specific conditioning to enhanceyour golf game will include both strengthA group <strong>of</strong> women continue to meet<strong>the</strong> third Thursday <strong>of</strong> each month in <strong>the</strong>Health & Recreation Building, Room #2 at1:30 p.m.<strong>On</strong> July 16, Jane Kaufman, LicensedMassage Therapist shared information regarding<strong>the</strong> benefits <strong>of</strong> massage for peoplewith cancer. She described <strong>the</strong> differenttypes <strong>of</strong> massage and how <strong>the</strong>y affect<strong>the</strong> muscles. She mentioned that researchhas shown that massage can decreasestress, anxiety, depression, pain, fatigueand stimulate endorphins – those chemicalsthat improve mood. She dispelled <strong>the</strong>myth that massage <strong>the</strong>rapy spreads <strong>the</strong>cancer; but ra<strong>the</strong>r increases blood circula-and flexibility training. Strength is criticalfor improving club head speed. A recentstudy at <strong>the</strong> conclusion <strong>of</strong> an eight-weekstrength-training program demonstrateda 6.1% increase in club head speed.We all contend with age related muscleloss (called sarcopenia). From as earlyas our 20s, we lose about a half a pound<strong>of</strong> muscle every year. So, improving andmaintaining strength is <strong>the</strong> cornerstone<strong>of</strong> a golf-conditioning program.Your flexibility has a lot to do with<strong>the</strong> integrity <strong>of</strong> your posture, and yourposture will most definitely affect yourstance when addressing <strong>the</strong> ball. Accordingto Greg Norman and o<strong>the</strong>r experts,<strong>the</strong> transfer <strong>of</strong> energy and power from<strong>the</strong> lower body to <strong>the</strong> upper body is <strong>the</strong>most pivotal link and <strong>the</strong> most commonweakness observed in recreational golfers.By improving flexibility, broadeningrange <strong>of</strong> motion and increasing strengthin your core, this pivotal link can be improved.The key to coordinated action in<strong>the</strong> golf swing is a high level <strong>of</strong> strengthand flexibility in <strong>the</strong> trunk area.The Ranch Fitness Center and Spa isexcited to <strong>of</strong>fer our very first “Golf Conditioning”workshop. This course will beginon Oct. 12 and will run for two weeks. Youwill participate in four group sessions,and will also receive one personal trainingsession. Personal Trainers will lead youin sport specific conditioning to achievewhat I described above. You can enhanceyour golf performance. Reserve your spotby registering at <strong>the</strong> front desk.Upcoming events:• Tuesday, Sept. 1: Master <strong>the</strong> Possibilities“Healthy Life Presentation”at 2 p.m.• Tuesday, Sept. 8: Master <strong>the</strong> Possibilities“Medical Exercise Connection”at 9:30 a.m.• Saturday, Sept. 12: Special class!Drum Core at 10 a.m.• Oct. 12 through 21: Golf ConditioningWorkshop; sign up now atThe Ranch!Small group personal training now being<strong>of</strong>fered!Women’s CancerSupport GroupBy Patricia Wo o d b u r ytion, which promotes faster healing.<strong>On</strong> Aug. 20, Cammy Dennis encouragedsome form <strong>of</strong> exercise that wouldimprove physical fitness, lower levels <strong>of</strong>stress and increase feelings <strong>of</strong> relaxationand well-being. She described <strong>the</strong> classesavailable at <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong>.Dr. Ganesh D. Arora, Radiologist atClinical P.E.T. <strong>of</strong> Ocala, will discuss <strong>the</strong>Positron Emission Mammography, what itshows and <strong>the</strong> advantages.Women with cancer or a caretaker forsomeone with cancer, are welcome to attend.For fur<strong>the</strong>r information, contactDiane Kirol at 854-8152.OcalaClown ExpressKathy & Charlie PetroskyCan’t believe <strong>the</strong> summer is almostover. We had a great resting time. Withfall arriving, it is time to get back intogear.The nursing home clowns continuedvisiting nursing homes during <strong>the</strong> summer.It was great to have a visitor with uswhen we went to Hampton Manor West.Jingles and Ding a Ling’s granddaughter,Jackie, came with us. She was a great helphanding out <strong>the</strong> musical instruments andhelping us in our program. We enjoy addingnew antics each time we do our program.The clowns have come to know we neverknow what Toot and Jingles will comeup with next. The residents enjoy singingand playing instruments with <strong>the</strong> clowns.It is really fun when we get a group whointeracts with us. We sing, dance, jokeand have fun. Would this be somethingyou would enjoy doing?We had our training meeting for <strong>the</strong>hospital on Aug. 17. All new clowns werewelcomed to join us. We went over ourpuppet routine and reviewed our skits.Our songs are always fun to do.In <strong>September</strong>, we look forward to startingup <strong>the</strong> hospital program at MunroeRegional Medical Center. We will be at St.Paul’s United Methodist Church and <strong>the</strong>Ocala Chrome Divas. Hospice <strong>of</strong> MarionCounty has asked us to help with <strong>the</strong>irFlutterby Festival.As you can see, we do a variety <strong>of</strong>things. It is great to know that with <strong>the</strong>variety you can do as much as you want.You know <strong>the</strong> type <strong>of</strong> activity you enjoyand are good at. Those are <strong>the</strong> ones yousign up for.What do you need to do to join us?Just call Dotsy at 873-9223.Come look for us at <strong>the</strong> Club Fair onSept. 17. Rosey Nosey will be <strong>the</strong>re andwill be happy to answer any questions.We would love to have you join us! Hopeto see you!Gum Drop and TootD’ClownsPaula MagenWell, summer’s passed and D’Clownsare looking forward to ano<strong>the</strong>r fun-filledbusy season. We were just contactedby TimberRidge to again appear for <strong>the</strong>monthly “Kids & Cookies” program. Thefour and five year olds from ChildhoodDevelopment Services share a crafts activitywith <strong>the</strong> seniors <strong>the</strong>re. They lookforward to seeing <strong>the</strong> clowns and getting<strong>the</strong> Mardi Gras beads and stickers we giveout. It’s a magical hour for old and youngalike.Our first show at Emeritus (formerlySummerville West) will be on Sept. 2 whenwe entertain <strong>the</strong> memory support groupresidents. They enjoy our antics, songs,magic and skits. D’Clowns involve <strong>the</strong>residents in <strong>the</strong> action and we love being<strong>the</strong>re with this group.The Club Fair will occur on Sept. 17.We hope to sign-up some new clowns aswe have in <strong>the</strong> past.Aside from our twice-monthly meetingsand our regular scheduled events,we will be at <strong>the</strong> Sheriff’s annual HalloweenParty on Saturday, Oct. 31. This is awonderful opportunity for <strong>the</strong> kids in <strong>the</strong>area to have a safe, fun time. D’Clowns d<strong>of</strong>ace painting, tattoos and have fun playinggames with <strong>the</strong> costumed children.We have already been contacted by<strong>the</strong> March <strong>of</strong> Dimes and Signature BrandsEaster egg hunt for participation later in<strong>the</strong> year. We do <strong>the</strong>se every year.D’Clowns will also be in touch witho<strong>the</strong>r assisted living residences in <strong>the</strong>area so we can spread <strong>the</strong> joy.We are a fun group who welcome you(boys and girls) to join us at our meetingson <strong>the</strong> first and third Monday at 1:30p.m., Arbor Conference Center, Suites Band C.Our first meeting will be on Sept. 21.We will teach you all you need to know.“All <strong>the</strong> world loves a clown,” as <strong>the</strong> sayinggoes. Experience <strong>the</strong> thrill <strong>of</strong> bringinglaughter and smiles to people’s faces.For more information, call Paula at 873-3433.Going Out <strong>of</strong> Town? Download a PDF <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> News at www.ontop<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>world.com/newspaper

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