September 2009 - On Top of the World Communities Info

September 2009 - On Top of the World Communities Info

September 2009 - On Top of the World Communities Info

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<strong>September</strong> <strong>2009</strong> The <strong>World</strong> News® 33SquareDancingWalter LampWelcome to <strong>the</strong> Circle Squares Club,<strong>the</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> square dancingclub. We welcome all returning membersfor ano<strong>the</strong>r year <strong>of</strong> fun and dancing. Yes,<strong>the</strong>re is exercise involved, but <strong>the</strong> funkind.First, I would like to thank MaureenLea, on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> entire club, for hertime and effort over <strong>the</strong> past two yearsin writing <strong>the</strong>se articles. She successfullykept us well informed, as I’m planning todo also.Second, hearty congratulations to ournewest members who joined our class lastOctober and due to <strong>the</strong>ir weekly trainingsessions, <strong>the</strong>y graduated on July 28.The evening <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> graduation startedwith a potluck social dinner for everyone.The tables, as well as <strong>the</strong> dancers, weredecked out in our club colors: red, whiteand black. Great variety <strong>of</strong> food and weall walked away stuffed.Then we proceeded with <strong>the</strong> graduationceremonies. The lighting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>square dance candles, handing out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Lions ClubDianne Lovely<strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> Lions Club wouldlike to welcome new Lion Dennis Phillipsto our club. Dennis is already hard atwork creating a web site for <strong>the</strong> club.District Governor, Estelle Clark, madeher <strong>of</strong>ficial visit to our club on July 14 andspoke to us about our new internationalpresidents <strong>the</strong>me for <strong>the</strong> coming year. LionsClubs are in 205 countries with over1,318,908 Lions in 45,000 clubs. GovernorEstelle presented her new “Hat’s OffAward” to Lion James McCabe; congratulationsLion Jim.<strong>On</strong> July 28, our new Zone Chair, AlicePantaleo, made a visit to our club.The <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> Lions collectused inkjet cartridges, eyeglasses and cellphones, you may drop yours <strong>of</strong>f at severaldifferent locations, one being <strong>the</strong> Health& Recreation Building behind <strong>the</strong> informationdesk. Eyeglasses are refurbished <strong>the</strong>nsent to third world countries to help <strong>the</strong>less fortunate. The inkjet cartridges andcell phones are recycled and <strong>the</strong> moniesare used to help children and our manycharitable projects that we support.You too could become a Lion, callmembership chair, Marty Schley, at 307-1286.diplomas, club information and a well deservedround <strong>of</strong> applause from <strong>the</strong> currentmembers. Just a year ago, I was sittingin those same chairs.The graduates included Skip and CarolSpencer; Ellie and Sherman Gans; Fredand Karin Roberts; Tony and Faye Lesinski;Ellie Cyr and Norman Lallier. O<strong>the</strong>rswho attended classes, but weren’t able toattend graduation are Jim Bell; Gordy andDodie Phillips; Mary Knight; Ruth Bonnar;and finally, Ted and Sharon Nichols, whohave danced previously, but just neededsome “brush up dancing!”And, <strong>of</strong> course, <strong>the</strong> evening was followedby <strong>the</strong>ir first dance as new members.They will now be joining us for ourregular Tuesday night dances.Finally, special thanks to <strong>the</strong> current<strong>of</strong>ficers; we appreciate <strong>the</strong>ir efforts tomake this past year, a fun time for all <strong>of</strong>us square dancers.Now, it’s time to look ahead. <strong>On</strong> Tuesday,Sept. 29, at <strong>the</strong> Arbor Club Ballroomfrom 6 to 8 p.m., our annual free-fundance will be held. It’s where we open ourdoors to all in <strong>the</strong> community, who wouldlike to try square dancing or are just curiousto find out what this fun is all about.We encourage current members tobring new guests or neighbors. As previouslymentioned, anyone is welcome andsee if it’s possible to enjoy it, more thanme.The new <strong>of</strong>ficers, who have alreadybeen announced, are looking forward to<strong>the</strong> new year. We encourage all membersto help out in some way, ei<strong>the</strong>r at <strong>the</strong>weekly dance or at a special dance setup.I’ve been dancing for two years now.I enjoy <strong>the</strong> dancing, <strong>the</strong> laughter and <strong>the</strong>people with whom I share a square with.I hope you will too.If you have any questions about <strong>the</strong>free-fun dance on Sept. 29, or squaredancing itself or why I like it so much,please call me at 854-9378.Line DancingSherry AshenfelterOur <strong>September</strong> through June danceyear is about to begin. Experienced Level1, Level 2 and Intermediate students returnto classes on Monday, Sept. 14. Wewelcome <strong>the</strong> 76 newcomers who begin<strong>the</strong>ir line dance career on Wednesday,Sept. 16. Level 1 and newcomer classesare full with a waiting list.Students within each class vary in <strong>the</strong>irlevel <strong>of</strong> interest and skill. Our goal is tochoose dances that can be successfullylearned by most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> students. We <strong>of</strong>feroccasional special workshops for studentswho like a greater challenge.Forty-five line dancers participated in asummer workshop to learn Splish Splash.Splish Splash is a 128-count dance with a32-count tag. Chill Factor, by request, willbe taught at <strong>the</strong> next special workshop onSept. 24 from 3:30 to 5 p.m.For optimal learning conditions andfloor safety, all classes beginning in <strong>September</strong>will be limited in size with pre-registrationrequired. For information aboutclasses and <strong>the</strong> new pre-registration procedure,please call 873-9440.www.<strong>On</strong><strong>Top</strong><strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>Info</strong>.comBallroomDance ClubRichard P. VulloOur new dance lesson season beginsThursday, Sept. 11 at <strong>the</strong> Arbor Club Ballroom.The intermediate class is scheduledat 11 a.m. and beginner class at noon.Intermediate dancers will start with FoxTrot and beginners with an Introductionto Ballroom Dancing. Please register foryour class by calling our dance instructor,Trish Sands at 351-2423, or Dick Vullo at854-6772.During this coming year, both classeswill learn new steps in rumba, cha cha,waltz, tango, swing, meringue, samba ando<strong>the</strong>r dances. It’s a great way to learn andpractice your dancing steps and meetyour neighbors, who also enjoy dancing.Membership dues are only $6 per yearand 4 lessons each month are only $20.Singles are always welcome.Here at <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong>, we havedancing on Friday nights at <strong>the</strong> ArborClub Ballroom and Friday and Saturdaynights at Circle Square Commons. In addition,<strong>the</strong>re are numerous venues in <strong>the</strong>Ocala area for dancing during <strong>the</strong> weekand on weekends.We’ll be at <strong>the</strong> “Get Acquainted C<strong>of</strong>fee”on Thursday, Aug. 27 at <strong>the</strong> Health& Recreation Ballroom from 9 to 11 a.m.to answer your questions and accept yourreservations. Come and join us to improveyour dancing and enjoy <strong>the</strong> socialscene. Dancing is like everything else inlife, use it or lose it.The <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> “Dancin’ <strong>On</strong>The <strong>Top</strong>” committee will have its nextdance on Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. at <strong>the</strong> Health& Recreation Ballroom. The <strong>the</strong>me willbe cruising and <strong>the</strong> dress will be cruisecasual. Fred Campbell Entertainment willprovide music and entertainment. Ticketsare $6 per person and will be availableevery Monday and Wednesday beginningAug. 31 through Sept. 16 from 8 a.m. to10:30 a.m. in <strong>the</strong> Health & Recreation Ballroom.For more information, please call JackStone at 873-3083 or Dick Vullo at 854-6772.Submit Articles by E-mail tootownews@otowfl.comBallet ClubEugenie MartinIn July, four dancers in our group spentan exciting day in Sarasota, where wedrove to take a ballet class taught by myfriend, Gina <strong>the</strong> ballerina. Yes, she doeshave a last name - Wexler - but everyoneuses <strong>the</strong> former name, because ballet isher true passion. Gina is a talented balletteacher and occasional performer, and itwas a joy for us to participate in her classand have lunch with her.For 20 years, Gina was my neighboron New York City’s Roosevelt Island, <strong>the</strong>planned community on <strong>the</strong> East Riverconnected to Manhattan by an aerialtramway. When a ballet studio opened on<strong>the</strong> island in <strong>the</strong> early 80s, Gina draggedme to class.It changed my whole life. I got a chanceto appreciate from <strong>the</strong> inside an art formI had loved from <strong>the</strong> outside. I began tolearn steps I had seen dancers do dozens<strong>of</strong> times. My form improved as time wenton. I had joined <strong>the</strong> ranks <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ballerinas.While some <strong>of</strong> us who dance in our matureyears do perform in public, most <strong>of</strong>us do not. We do it primarily for exerciseto beautiful music and for fun. And, asGina <strong>the</strong> ballerina says, for our souls. Wehave no strict rules or regulations and,although we work at our own individuallevels, we have a real group feeling. Sort<strong>of</strong> like a little casual corps de ballet.If you want to try a class, all you needis exercise clo<strong>the</strong>s and socks. We teachTuesdays and Thursdays 1 to 2 p.m. andMondays 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. All <strong>of</strong> ourclasses are held in <strong>the</strong> Arbor Club studionext to <strong>the</strong> indoor swimming pool. Forinformation, please call me at 854-8589.Happy dancing!Going Out <strong>of</strong> Town?Download a PDF <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>World</strong> News atwww.ontop<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>world.com/newspaper5

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