Transportation Skills Assessment Tool: Test Protocol for ... - CAIT

Transportation Skills Assessment Tool: Test Protocol for ... - CAIT

Transportation Skills Assessment Tool: Test Protocol for ... - CAIT


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Task 23:Respond to Emergency - Lost Off the BusPurposeTo evaluate the applicant's safe judgment in choosing a proper action including a place toseek assistance or a police officer to help them.Training MaterialsNone. This item evaluates existing self-advocacy skills. Photo of unfamiliar place that isoutside and publicly accessible.ProcedureThe item is introduced according to the script. The applicant is shown the photo, and is toldthat this is what he or she sees when off the bus and does not know where he or she is.The applicant is asked what he or she would do. The best answers are one that indicatesthe applicant would call a responsible caregiver or locate a police officer. Acceptableanswers would be identifying safe places to seek help.ScoringThis score reflects the applicant’s ability to identify an immediate source of assistance.- Score 2 point (full credit) responses, either be<strong>for</strong>e or after the probe might include:“I would call ____ on my cell phone.”“I would go into the closest store.”“I would look <strong>for</strong> a police officer.”- Score 0 points if there is no response, or the response cannot be interpreted meaningfully.Task 23: Respond to Emergency – Lost off the BusWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Recognizes being lost and has identified If you are already off the bus and not suremethods to find assistance and return to where you are and how to get where youdestination.want to be going. What do you do?PROBE

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