VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Acoustics - the Dept. of ...

VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Acoustics - the Dept. of ...

VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Acoustics - the Dept. of ...


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20 CHAPTER 1. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ACOUSTICSNote that a spherical wave behaves like a plane wave if <strong>the</strong> observer is faraway from <strong>the</strong> point source (in practice for distances larger than 3λ). For adiffuse sound field, where <strong>the</strong> waves are in all directions just as strong andindependent, we may find (no pro<strong>of</strong> is given in this text) :I diffuus = p ρc = ρcv eff (1.34)1.6.2 The sound intensity levelDefinition : <strong>the</strong> sound intensity level (SIL) L I is defined as :L I = 10log I I 0(dB) (1.35)with I 0 = 10 −12 W/m 2 <strong>the</strong> standard reference sound intensity level.Notethatforatraveling planewavepropagatinginair<strong>the</strong>soundintensitylevel is approximately equal to <strong>the</strong> sound pressure level : L I ≈ L p . Indeed :L I = 10log I I 0= 10log p2ρcI 0met ρc ≈ 412≈ L p1.7 Source power1.7.1 DefinitionDefinition : The sound power is <strong>the</strong> acoustic power (Watt) delivered by asound source : ∫W = IdS (1.36)with I <strong>the</strong> intensity in W/m 2 over <strong>the</strong> elementary surface dS. If I is constantin all directions (nondirectional source) : W = IS.In analogy with <strong>the</strong> sound pressure level and sound intensity level onecan define <strong>the</strong> sound power level.Definition : The sound power level (SWL) is defined as :SL W = 10log W W 0(1.37)

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