Annual Report 2012/2013 5.09 MB - Nobina AB

Annual Report 2012/2013 5.09 MB - Nobina AB

Annual Report 2012/2013 5.09 MB - Nobina AB

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nobina DenmarkCONTRACT TERMS VARI<strong>AB</strong>LE REMUNERATION IS STILL ONLY APPLIED TOSCHEDULE HOURS. OVER THE LONG RUN, THIS CAN CREATE I<strong>MB</strong>ALANCEBETWEEN REVENUE AND KILOMETRE-BASED COSTS. THIS IS A PARTICULARRISK WHEN THE OFFERING IS ADJUSTED. HOWEVER, INCENTIVE-BASEDREMUNERATION, WITH INCENTIVES FOR LOWER EMISSIONS AND A HIGHERNU<strong>MB</strong>ER OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, IS GAINING GROUND AMONG PTAS,ALTHOUGH SUCH CONTRACTS ARE STILL IN THE MINORITY.During the last financial year, we strengthened the organizationby recruiting several new employees, one of whom is the workshopmanager for all of Denmark. We also set up our own workshop inGlostrup.We enhance daily leadership skills through dialogue and a focuson quality, along with follow-up and improvements. Our strategyseminars and <strong>Nobina</strong> Academy support development and make itpossible for us to continually discuss various themes. Going forward,we hope to exploit the potential of job training and exchangebest practices between different activities and contracts. Duringthe last year, we had a particular focus on helping our drivers gaina better understanding of the customer perspective. We discussedthe importance of good service, not least by spreading stories ofgood examples throughout the organization. <strong>Nobina</strong> had an averageof 389 employees during the last financial year, and the recruitmentsituation is good.ENVIRONMENTONGOING ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTSThe Danish bus fleet currently consists of 140 buses, of which mostare new, with engines that meet the EEV and Euro 5 standards. Wehave an ongoing focus on The Green Journey, which, for example,entails measuring fuel consumption for each driver and bus. Weexpect to improve our key figures in this area over the next fewyears. PTAs are still focusing on diesel buses, but new fuels like gasand electricity are becoming more relevant.Copenhagen. <strong>Nobina</strong>’s BRT system in Malmö will, accordingly,serve as an important reference.The Danish municipalities and regions have budgets for publictransport. These budgets are now stable, following several years ofcutbacks. Tendering volumes have also fluctuated, but over the nextfew years, we expect that they will also even out.FUTURE FOCUSPROFIT<strong>AB</strong>ILITY AND NEW TENDERSIn <strong>2013</strong> we will continue efforts to improve the profitability of ourcontracts. This will involve negotiating better contracts with oursuppliers and minimizing resource waste. We will also strive tocontinually strengthen our operative leadership and minimize sickleave, damages and fuel consumption. We will increase focus oncross-disciplinary processes and we will obtain ISO 14001 environmentalcertification for our operations.During the year, we will participate in a number of importanttenders involving both MOVIA and Mittrafik and a scope correspondingto 250 buses. We hope very much that we will be successful.The tendering activity will be more intense this year, whichwill also require more resources.MARKETA GROWING MARKETDenmark continues to make investments in public transport. Oneexample is the new metro line in Copenhagen and a new tram linein Århus. There is also an onging political discussion on establishinga Bus Rapid Transport concept or trams for several routes in32

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