Annual Report 2012/2013 5.09 MB - Nobina AB

Annual Report 2012/2013 5.09 MB - Nobina AB

Annual Report 2012/2013 5.09 MB - Nobina AB

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RESPONSIBLE BUSINESSNOBINA’S IMPACT AND RESPONSIBILITY<strong>Nobina</strong>’s vision is for everyone to want to travel with us. That iswhy we strive each day to simplify daily travel by offering publictransport bus services that increases mobility in society. This is howwe make our main contribution to a sustainable society.As the market leader for public transport by bus in the Nordicregion, <strong>Nobina</strong> impacts society in a number of ways. Since we runoperations that are, to a large extent, publicly financed, it is obviousto us that we must take responsibility. We are a company thatoperates according to a set of values. We regard our business fromthree viewpoints: people, the environment and the economy. Thescope of our perspective ranges from the family budget, the PTA ‘sresources and climate issues, to responsibility for safety, employeesand passengers.ECONOMYPEOPLEEVERYoneWANTSTO TRAVELWITH USENVIRONMENTDIALOGUE WITH OUR STAKEHOLDERSWe take responsibility for our business in a variety of ways. Wework in a structured, systematic manner on the areas where we havethe greatest impact. We have identified our most important sustainabilityissues by studying and analysing our own work, as wellas through dialogue with our stakeholders.<strong>Nobina</strong> has a CSR advisory board (more information is providedon page 48), which has concluded that PTAs are our most importantstakeholder group. They take an active role in imposing requirementson us and our operations, both in tenderings processes andin daily operations. They specify a number of sustainability requirementsfor our deliveries and, more and more, they are requiringsustainability reports as part of the tender.Of course, other stakeholders, such as customers, employees,politicians and suppliers, also impact our behaviour by stating theirown requirements and preferences. Although our owner’s mainfocus is on profitability, there is a clear understanding that profitabilityand performance go hand in hand. A summary of <strong>Nobina</strong>’sdialogues with its stakeholders is provided below:Stakeholder Dialogue venue Important issuesPublic TransportAuthoritiesCustomersEmployeesPoliticiansSuppliersOwner• Industry associations• Business Development Managerin meetings with PTAs• PTA survey• Daily operations• Passenger surveys• Focus groups• Social media• Performance appraisals• Employee surveys• Improvement groups• Training• Industry associations• Meetings with politicians• Tenderings• Follow-ups• Board meetings• AGM• Good cooperation with unions• Fair terms of employment• Transparency – values• Member of industryassociations• Good leadership• Punctuality• Value for money• Treatment• Simplicity• Way of driving• Ability to influence work situation• Well-being• Sick leave• Regional growth• Infrastructure in society• Resource-efficient transports• Environmental requirements• Profitability• Resource efficiency• Market development• Emission levels (NO x, particles)• Certifications• Requirements on the typeof fuel• Noise level requirements• Environmental requirementson chemicals• Benefits to society from publictransport• Design of the contract47

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