confidence - Investing In Africa

confidence - Investing In Africa

confidence - Investing In Africa


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Report of the Auditors to the Shareholders of State Bank of Mauritius Ltd.our opinion we also evaluated theoverall adequacy of the presentationof information in the financialstatements. We believe that ouraudit provides a reasonable basis forour opinion.We have no relationship with, orinterests in, the Bank or any of itssubsidiaries, other than in ourcapacities as auditors and taxadvisers, and arm's length dealingswith the Group and the Bank in theordinary course of business.• the financial statements give atrue and fair view of the financialposition of the Group and of theBank as at 30 June 2005 and ofthe results of their operations andtheir cash flows for the year thenended in accordance with<strong>In</strong>ternational Financial ReportingStandards, and comply with theprovisions of the Banking Act 2004and of the Companies Act 2001applicable to banks, as well as theregulations and guidelines ofBank of Mauritius.OpinionThe information and explanationscalled for and given to us by theofficers or agents of the Group and ofthe Bank were satisfactory.<strong>In</strong> our opinion:• proper accounting records havebeen kept by the Group and theBank as far as appears from ourexamination of those records; and25Actual Kemp Chatteris SignatureDeloitteChartered AccountantsKemp 3rd Floor, Chatteris Cerné Deloitte HouseChartered La Chaussée Accountants3rd Port Floor, Louis, Cerné Mauritius. HouseLa ChausséePort Louis, MauritiusActual Signature Chandra K. Gujadhur, FCASigning PartnerS.R. Konfortion, FCASigning PartnerDate: September 28, 2005

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