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Management Discussions & AnalysisOperation Review (cont’d)improve service delivery, the bank has taken various measures to improve theprotection of its customer assets against attacks from the <strong>In</strong>ternet and toimprove operational efficiency through controlled access to the <strong>In</strong>ternet andprotection against spam mail. <strong>In</strong>ternal controls have also been improved, andour security standards have been reviewed and improved.During the year, the Bank has regularly tested its disaster recovery plan.Currently SBM is finalizing the documentation and implementation of acomprehensive business continuity plan across all the key areas of operations.Lines of Business• Personal BankingPersonal Banking clients are divided into three segments, namely Private,Premier and Micro to enable focused strategies.<strong>In</strong> 2005 the Bank built growth through solution-based products and highlydeveloped service segmentation. New bundled products and services havebeen introduced, targeted at both traditional customer segments andemerging customer groups such as the educated young professionals who arecontributing to the emergence of the new services economy in Mauritius.By leveraging unique technology and risk management leadership the Bankis able to improve income per customer through innovative product solutionsand bundling multiple sales into a single customer experience:-• Flexi Pro launched in May 2005 allows young professionals to purchase aproperty in line with their future earnings potential. The bundled solutionconsists of a Home loan; GoTransaction account; Electronicbanking and life assurance cover.• SBM Transact, launched inNovember 2004, is a multifunctionlow cost Deposit productoffering customers greater choice,packaged with a Debit Card; SBMTop Up; <strong>In</strong>ternet or TelephoneBanking plus optional credit limitand cheque book facilities.• SBM Boost launched in February2005 is the only revolving line ofcredit personal loan productavailable in the market, providingcustomers with greater flexibility inborrowing and repayment capacity.Again, the offer comes bundledwith a debit card and a Transactdeposit account.• Visa Electron Card, launched inJune 2004, greatly enhancesBank lending security, asauthorisation is required on line,as the card is not embossed. It isdesigned with the large segment87“With innovative products such as SBM Flexi Pro, which allow for up to 65% repayment in relation to income for young professionals,customers can realise their dream of acquiring their own home sooner”

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