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voluntary position of being in the fire, it actually acts exactly the same as fire. So oneon the platform of rasa makes no distinction.Devotee (1): But I am trying to analyze it from my level in the three dimensional,how I am imprisoned in my, the jiva category is described as part of the antarangasakti,the internal potency, due to the free will it can decide to be part of the…or not.<strong>Maharaja</strong>: But still it’s their free will, they get it, they go away from Krsna, it’s theirfree will that they get involved in Krsna. So the free will always remains just that it’snatural that one will take the natural position.Devotee (1): <strong>Maharaja</strong>, I am trying to focus, from this side they say, because youwere focusing very nicely analysis on the distinction of what is impersonal and what ispersonal, so the jiva in this position, technically it also is described as belonging toBrahman, because in the…manifestation the jiva is Brahman. So as Brahman what isthe percentage of this influence which actually will make it ultimately feel that I am,or let’s say when the jiva enters into really leaving aside. Because we say, we aredevotee we have to be careful very much, we have to be attent. But actually to whichdegree we are devotees of so long associated with the Vaisnavas, initiated, butactually we are continuing more on the influence of Brahman-realization.<strong>Maharaja</strong>: Means your difference here is that the tatastha means that you have thedifference whether one is looking from the material perspective of I and mine, or thatthe true perspective that we are servant of Krsna and we belong to Krsna and Krsnabelongs to us, in other words, the direct connection between Krsna and the livingentity. While that is, it’s more from the angle of the living entity and Krsna. BecauseKrsna, it’s not a problem, He doesn’t have the problem here.Means this I would say, this will come up as we go, a very deep understanding,but the essential point here is, the actual point is that connection to Krsna is actuallywhat makes everything correct itself and put itself in the proper position. And that isdone, I think it’s by the next quote what we’ll see, it’s by the grace of the spiritualmasters, by the grace of the devotees.Because in here the soul is on the Brahman platform, that’s its natural state, butdepending upon the illusion that is there, then he can even not understand he is onthat platform, so he thinks he is matter. But even he brings himself to the point ofunderstanding he is not matter, he is observer of matter, ksetra-jna, that he isobserving everything that’s going on around him, then still that is not the naturallevel of Krsna consciousness, it’s the beginning level, it’s important. But once heunderstands that that Brahman is Krsna, that’s then it becomes serious. But stillseeing Krsna as Brahman or Paramatma, which is very important to get us out of thematerial contamination, but that’s as far as its usefulness is. The real point is comingto the understanding of relationship with the Lord on the Bhagavan platform, becausethat’s actually spiritual. That’s eternal spiritual. The others are actually temporaryspiritual.

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