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everything Krsna, then all we are dealing with is spiritual, so therefore we enter thespiritual.Devotee (5): …there is also different grades of…<strong>Maharaja</strong>: Of course, but you have to go through the process. The point is youknow it’s the end one, so therefore you go into the lower ones to get there.Devotee (5): There is two things, one is the knowledge of the different qualities ofthings, the other is to understand the active relation to the Lord. Then you can applyit properly.<strong>Maharaja</strong>: So if you get rid of false ego or controller then it can be that.It’s just like this, you go into the kitchen to cook, and I start cutting thevegetables, and then I stop there. Then it’s not cooking. So if I say, what’s the bigdeal, I cut the vegetables. You have to cut vegetables to cook, so what are yougetting on my case about, why are you saying this is not cooking? Because he hasn’tcooked. He just cut the vegetables…But if he is cutting the vegetables because thenthe next thing is to put them in the pot, then that’s progressive. So the same thingcan be progressive or not.Devotee (5): That’s the danger…getting caught in…<strong>Maharaja</strong>: That’s the whole thing, when you analyze things, then you have toanalyze it with a progressive mentality. Otherwise if you just analyze it from theplatform of a jnani, the jijnasu, he wants to know, then it will just take him back tothe material. It’s just another material form. But the jnani wants to know Krsna,therefore he moves forward. The jnani moves up to the madhyama platform, thejijnasu doesn’t.Devotee (6): Is this also the platform of jnana-yoga within bhakti…?<strong>Maharaja</strong>: Yes, means you are using it, means what we are talking about here thisis all jnana-yoga, because what we are talking about here is dealing with the senseobjects without attachment, that means it’s got to be used for a higher purpose. Butthat higher purpose, the good and bad, is determined by Krsna, not by somethingelse. Because good and bad can be what’s good for the family, or what’s good for thisor that, or good for liberation. But it’s what’s good for Krsna. So therefore becauseKrsna wants the family things to work, therefore I do them nicely for Krsna. Not thatit’s a separate thing. If it’s separate, that is pious. I am getting out of the materialworld, that’s the jnana. So one’s karma, one’s jnana. But when it’s done for Krsna,that is buddhi-yoga. So then it is progressive.Devotee (5): It is very dangerous, sometimes people forget a lot of what they usedto do…<strong>Maharaja</strong>: They get used to what they are doing, or think that because I haveanalyzed it that that’s enough. No, the point is, it’s still Krsna is a person, you haveto relate to Him as a person, so you always have to take it to that point. (end)

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