Vedanta Psychology - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Vedanta Psychology - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Vedanta Psychology - Suhotra Maharaja Archives


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Means she is the column is worshiping the Lord. But we think this column is for usto enjoy, therefore now it’s part of our building, and it’s my building. But actually sheis serving the Lord in this aspect as a potency. So that means everything that’s thereis actually sacrifice to the Lord for His enjoyment, that’s what Laksmi is doing. But wetake the position of Visnu and think I am the enjoyer of all that I see. That’s what’sgoing on, that’s the illusion.So if we change this illusion to the point of I am the servant of the servant of theLord, this gopé-bhartuù pada-kamalayor, then this all stops, the illusion stops. Theillusion exists simply because we are very dogmatic, or very fanatic, about being theLord. This is the problem.So in here we see actually this fight is something very different, because we thinkwe are fighting with what’s ours. But it’s not ours. If it’s not ours, there is no fight.It’s just a matter of becoming conscious. Being always absorbed in situations andactivities that will keep us conscious. It’s not actually a fight. The fight is with ourselfthat we simply want this. Otherwise it’s too easy to then put it on someone else. Thatis the standard in world religion. And within the Vaisnava philosophy we also havethat aspect because it is common. But as we go deeper that’s not the actual.That means this concept that there is someone else that I am fighting with that’sactually generated from us. So world religion you always have the devil, Satan,something like that. Bengali, saitan that’s the word is coming from, saitan means likea really nasty person, like a dacoit, they are saitans. So then that same principle hasthen been applied, there is this person who comes in, just overwhelms us, controlsus, we have no…what can we do? And so there is this whole fight in which we arenaturally the loser.But in actuality it’s just a matter of do we want to be involved in that or not? Wedo, then yes, there is the fight and you have to, like this. But the actual point is,Krsna says, armed with a sword of knowledge you fight. So when we understand Iam servant of Krsna and all that is here is Krsna, that is the fight. Not just some,control the senses, grip your teeth and like this and this is how we get ourselfthrough. It’s never really worked in the past. So it’s a very, very different kind ofperspective. It’s not something that we haven’t heard about, it’s just different thanhow we think.So the whole idea of the Vedic psychology is you are changing your perspective ofeverything that you are dealing with. It doesn’t mean any activity changes, it doesn’tmean any situation changes. It means how you view it changes. That’s whyPrabhupada says, you don’t have to change your position to take up Krsnaconsciousness, you simply have to change the mentality. Mentality changes, theneverything starts to work.So this is the simple point, it’s very important to note that Krsna is the enjoyer ofthe spiritual activity, so our position is to assist in His enjoyment. So that puts us in avery unique position. Because we are assistants to the subject by being assisting in

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