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Vedanta Psychology - Suhotra Maharaja Archives


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No, it’s not that one. It’s this next one. Ok, so that’s the simple point, thechanting always goes on. So it can be done any time, even in sleeping. When you aresleeping and you are worried about something and anxiety is going through yourmind all through the night, so chanting can also do the same thing. So here is thatthing.So that chanting that’s the essential point. Now to engage the conditioned naturethen we deal in all these other forms, these external forms. Here is another quote,this is Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, Brahmana and Vaisnava.Devotee (1): <strong>Maharaja</strong>, which page?<strong>Maharaja</strong>: I think it’s 15 of the introduction.If varnasrama and other fruitive activities enjoined in the sastras becomeprominent in one’s life then one cannot become kincana, or fully dependent upon theLord. Rather these activities provoke offences against the chanting of the holy namesin the form of conceptions of I and mine. For a person who is fully surrendered toKrsna becomes proud of following varnasrama principles then it must be consideredhe has become most unfortunate. Due to the influence of association with women thewhole material world is daily advancing in adversion to Hari.So we can see here, this form is very important, but at the same time, if youidentify with the form you got a problem. The boy is giving a gift to the girl. So it’sthe gift that is the medium for exchange. Now if he identifies I am the gift, thenwhat’s going to happen? Where is the interaction going to happen? Because he isidentifying as the gift.So how do you express anything except through a medium, you have to uselanguage of some variety, either spoken, or abhinaya from the facial features andother physical features of how movement. Some field has to be there, somethingthrough which it’s expressed. But the important thing is what you are expressing.So then in the sadhana we practice the performance of these activities. Theseactivities are performed. And we practice how this form should be done until we getthe form right. But when we get the form right if we identify with it, you have made amistake. You are talking to somebody if you think I am this language, it’s going to bea problem. Because how does that language interact with the other person? You areinteracting through the medium of language.So the varnasrama is a medium for which you show your appreciation for Krsnathrough serving Him, engaging body, mind, and words in His activities. But if youbecome those identities and activities how is that relating to Krsna? Then it’s not yourelating to Krsna.So this is the thing, how the mind tricks. This is what the mind does, on thespiritual platform then the spiritual form and all those things are non-different fromits transcendental desire. But in the material world then the activities and things thatgo on here are non-different from our material.

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