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So that’s exactly what’s going on here, the material energy is interacting withKrsna and we are sitting on the sidelines and saying, yeah, yeah, this that, becausewe identify with it, we think it’s us and we think it’s all happening. This is the illusion.So as long as we sit there and do nothing and then try to be the controller andenjoyer of it, then we are always going to suffer. As soon as we understand that thisis Krsna’s pastimes and we can assist in that by identifying as His servant and makesthe proper connection, and as the position of assisting His devotees, headed by theinternal potency, then whatever we are dealing with becomes yajna, becomessacrifice.It’s the pious concept that sacrifice simply means you have a fire and you poursome ghee in it, or just the holy name. These are yajna and they are the bestmanifestations of it, or japa. But actually everything is connected with the Lord, sotherefore every aspect that you do is yajna. So if we understand that, theneverything we do is connected. Then there isn’t a problem with the mind, because themind has been completed converted to spiritual.So the real problem is actually accepting that the problem is not the mind, theproblem is our contaminated desire that we want to be the controller and enjoyer.That generates the mundane mind that gives us trouble. If we are willing to beKrsna’s servant, there is no mundane mind, and the spiritual mind doesn’t give usany trouble. Krsna says the mind is your best friend or worst enemy. If it’s connectedto Krsna, it’s your best friend. It’s not connected, it’s your worst enemy.Devotee (2): So you say that the column is Krsna’s energy, Laksmi. So it’s nice toknow that that energy is material energy or external energy.<strong>Maharaja</strong>: But it’s only external because you see it that way.Devotee (2): I mean it’s related to Supersoul, the Paramatma.<strong>Maharaja</strong>: Yes, but Supersoul is who? Supersoul is Krsna. He appears to you in theheart, that He is one guy standing there alone, because that’s all the way we seeHim. Just like when we think of Karanodakasayi-Visnu, so then Karanodakasayi-Visnuwe think of as one big guy lying there in this monstrous ocean. But now when Arjunaand Krsna went to visit Karanodakasayi-Visnu, what was there? A palace and Himand His servants and everything was going on. That’s the reality. Means Krsna is onlycalled Paramatma, because that’s all we see.So in the beginning we see Krsna as material energy. But we don’t recognize it’sKrsna, therefore it’s called maya. When we start recognizing that everything isenergy, everything is Brahman, everything is spiritual, then we come to the Brahmanplatform. But that source of that energy is coming from somebody, that’sParamatma. But when we understand that Paramatma is a person separate from allthis and has His relationships with His devotees, then we come to the Bhagavan. Sothe same, it’s one thing with four different perspectives.

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