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<strong>IHE</strong> Patient Care Device Technical Framework Supplement – Alarm CommunicationManagement (<strong>ACM</strong>)______________________________________________________________________________1565Figure 3.Z.7.5-2: Event Phase1570The EventCurrentPhase identifies the state transition or state that the current alarm message isindicating: a tpoint event is a time point event with no duration, a continue event indicates thatthis message does not represent a state transition but rather reports the continuation of an eventthat started at some previous time. An update indicates a change other than a state transition in apreviously reported alarm, such as a further change in an out-of-limit metric. The phases escalateand de-escalate represent changes in alarm priority as assessed by the patient care device.157515801585State transitionsA message representing an alarm is sent aperiodically, when the alarm undergoes a statetransition that may be significant for notification (alarm start, alarm end, escalation or deescalationof priority as evaluated by the alarm source).By site agreement, messages representing current state of alarms may optionally also be sent atother times, as for example on a periodic timed basis, or when systems are restarted and a list ofcurrently active alarms is sent out by the Alarm Reporter to refresh the Alarm Manager.Facet 4. Alarm current stateThe value of the AlarmState facet reflects whether the alarm condition currently exists (inactiveor active) or if the alarm condition formerly existed, does not now exist, but is “latched” or heldby the alarm source so that caregivers may be notified of transient but significant conditions.__________________________________________________________________________59Rev. 1.3– 2012-08-16Copyright © 2012: <strong>IHE</strong> International, Inc.

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