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<strong>CCWT</strong> Trainer ProfilesEd Luk as ze ws kiPPr esent er ’ s cour s esar e eli gib le f or AP SPoint sEd Lukaszewski is a counselling psychologist with a variedprofessional and training background. Over the last 30 plus years Edhas worked as a primary school teacher, school counsellor, districtofficer, senior staff development officer and a university lecturer.Ed has had extensive training and experience in individual andrelationship counselling, family therapy and professional supervision.Ed is currently a counsellor at Sydney University; and also has aprivate practice in counselling and supervision.El an a Le ig hElana Leigh graduated as a social worker from the University ofCapeTown South Africa in 1978. She worked in the field of crimeprevention and rehabilitation of offenders, exoffenders and theirfamilies. In 1980 she immigrated to Australia where she worked forthe Department of Immigration in the area of resettlement. In 1982she went to England to take up further studies in psychotherapy,training and supervision. She worked in London as a privateconsultant, trainer and supervisor. In 1994 she returned to Australiawhere she founded the Australian Centre for Integrative studies andworks as a private practicioner, trainer and supervisor. Sherepresents the field of counseling and psychotherapy on national andinternational committees. Her areas of special interest are working inways that are inclusive and relational.Emm a H a yw ar dPPr esent er ’ s cour s esar e eli gib le f or AP SPoint sEmma Hayward is a Registered Psychologist in private practice whocurrently divides her time between psychological assessments,counselling and training. She worked for five years until recently, in acommunity setting, counselling clients with a wide range of mentalhealth issues and supervising a team of case managers to deliverholistic support to clients with social, psychological and physicalbarriers. She works from a client-centred, strengths basedperspective and uses minimal labelling when working with clients witha mental illness. Emma’s courses deliver clear and practicalapproaches to working with clients.For detailed course information go to: www.acwa.asn.auAll our workshops can be customised to meet your organisation’sneeds and delivered in-house. To find out more information contactthe Customised Training Coordinator on: 02 9281 8822 orheather@acwa.asn.auTo be used in conjunction with the Centre for Community Welfare Training 2007 HandbookHandbookPage 9

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