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<strong>CCWT</strong> Trainer ProfilesRen ate Wa gn e rPPr esent er ’ s cour s esar e eli gib le f or AP SPoint sRenate Wagner is a Principal Clinical Psychologist, director of theanxiety clinic and a Conjoint Senior Lecturer with the School ofPsychiatry, UNSW. With a PhD and a Graduate Diploma in HigherEducation, Renate has taught psychology and medical psychology atUNSW for many years and has trained many health professionals inacademic and clinical settings in Europe, UK and Australia. She hasextensive clinical experience in adolescent and adult mental health,and has published a number of studies on factors affecting thedelivery of good health care and anxiety disorders.Rh on d a C o lesRhonda Coles (Grad Dip Adult Education; B.Social Work; M.SocialAdministration; B.A.Welfare Studies.). Rhonda is currently employedwith the NSW Department of Community Services in a projectcoordination role in Central Office. She has experience as aCaseworker in a rural location, the western suburbs of Sydney andthe DoCS Helpline. Rhonda is also a p/t tutor at two Universities.Previous experience includes roles as a Centrelink Social Worker,non-government community development & TAFE teaching. Rhondais committed to training in the field of child protection to raise theawareness of the significant links between domestic violence andchild abuse. Rhonda is also an accredited Neuro-Semantics Coachand is at her best facilitating to get the best out of others.Ric ha rd C l an cyRichard Clancy is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Dual Diagnosis. Hehas over 25 years experience in nursing in a variety of settings,including around 15 years in the field of dual diagnosis. Richard is aconjoint university lecturer and has qualifications in social sciences,medical sciences and in nursing. He has conducted a scholarship tourof dual diagnosis and mental health services across the USA.Richard’s workshops are engaging and informative, focusing onpractical strategies to help workers implement best practiceinterventions.Ric ha rd E lmsRichard Elms is a social worker working with individuals, couples andfamilies. He has been working with violent men and adolescents since1980 and also has extensive experience with survivors of abuse.Richard has presented at national conferences on child protection andfamily therapy and has conducted training for a variety oforganisations. He has published in the areas of working with violenceand abuse, parenting, and therapy with young people. Richardprovides clinical supervision and consultancy to teams andindividuals.For detailed course information go to: www.acwa.asn.auAll our workshops can be customised to meet your organisation’sneeds and delivered in-house. To find out more information contactthe Customised Training Coordinator on: 02 9281 8822 orheather@acwa.asn.auTo be used in conjunction with the Centre for Community Welfare Training 2007 HandbookHandbookPage 28

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