Download No Place Like Home resource here - Focus Ireland

Download No Place Like Home resource here - Focus Ireland

Download No Place Like Home resource here - Focus Ireland

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Curaclam na Bunscoile: Aonad 1EnglishStrand:Receptiveness to languageStrand Unit: Oral language: developing receptiveness to oral languageObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Listen to expressions, reactions, opinions and interpretations and retell or summarise them• Be continually aware of the importance of gesture, facial expression, audibility and clarityof annunciation in communicating with others• Listen to authors reading and discussing their own work• Take part in games in which unseen objects are identified from descriptions given by otherpupils• Use mime to convey ideas, reactions, emotions, desires and attitutes.Strand Unit: Writing: creating and fostering the impulse to writeObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Experience a classroom environment that encourages writing• See his/her writing valued• Experience a level of success in writing that will be an incentive to continue writing.Strand: Competence and confidence in using languageStrand Unit: Oral language: developing competence and confdence in oral languageObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Acquire the ability to give detailed instructions and directions• Converse freely and confidently on a range of topics• Give and take turns in an environment w<strong>here</strong> tolerance for the views of others is fostered.Strand: Developing cognitive abilities through languageStrand Unit: Oral language: developing cognitive abilities through oral languageObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Use a discussion of the familiar as the basis of a more formal or objective grasp of a topicor concept.Strand Unit: Writing: clarifying thought through writingObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Write in a variety of genres• Refine ideas and their expression through drafting and redrafting.Strand: Emotional and imaginative development through languageStrand Unit: Oral language: developing emotional and imaginative life through orallanguageObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Discusss with others his/her reactions to everyday experiences and to local, national andworld events• Discuss the concerns of other children• Discuss personal reading and writing• Express individual responses to poems and discuss different interpretations.Strand Unit: Writing: developing emotional and imaginative life through writingObjective:The child should be enabled to:• Write poems93

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