2006-2007 - Kennedy Space Center Technology Transfer Office

2006-2007 - Kennedy Space Center Technology Transfer Office

2006-2007 - Kennedy Space Center Technology Transfer Office

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Project accomplishments include the following:• A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)-based analytical platform was developed and optimized(encompassing essential hardware [Figure 2]) for profiling small polar molecules. Procedures, software, andtechnical competency in metabolite profiling were also developed (also see “Development and Couplingof Metabolomics Capability With Transcriptomics To Dissect Cellular and Molecular Processes of LivingOrganisms” in KSC <strong>Technology</strong> Development and Application 2005 Annual Report).• Metabolite profiling was completed for 54 samples generated in FY 2005 experiments.• Microarray analysis for gene expression (about 22,000 transcripts) and data processing platform was completed.• The Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System (AMDIS) was implemented andenabled to analyze the GC/MS raw data files for the purification of mixed spectra and the identification andquantification of target components (Figure 3). With the help of Bionetics, an Excel macro was developed toextract and format AMDIS outputs.• A targeted mass spectra and retention index library was constructed for Arabidopsis metabolome and quantitativeand qualitative information was extracted from the GC/MS metabolite profiles (70 unique mass tags arestatistically responsive to carbon dioxide [CO 2] treatment).• Competency was increased in statistics and bioinformatics to extract biological meaning from transcriptionaland metabolite profiles, and work to interpret data continued in an effort to understand the differential effect ofnormally elevated CO 2and superelevated CO 2on plant growth and stomatal function.• Four additional elevated-CO 2experiments were conducted to obtain complementary information ontranspiration (indicative of stomatal function), growth, and morphology.• The occurrence in this plant model of previousobservations from other plant species wasconfirmed, thus offering opportunities touse molecular tools to reveal the mechanismunderlying the biphasic response of growth andstomatal function to increasing atmospheric CO 2concentration.• A manuscript focusing on stomatal function undernormally elevated CO 2and superelevated CO 2wasinitiated.Contact: Dr. Raymond M. Wheeler,NASA-KSC, (321) 861-2950Participating Organizations: Dynamac Corporation(Dr. Lanfang H. Levine and Jeffrey T. Richards), University ofFlorida (Dr. Charles Guy), and Bionetics Corporation(Kevin A. Burtness)GC/MS ProfilingRelative Abundance5045403530252015105013.7621.4724.61 30.95MS Spectrum Deconvolution & AlignmentMetabolite Identification & QuantificationMultivariate Statistic Analysis32.4324.9037.1225.26 44.93 49.2917.59 35.3120.2727.2710 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5537.6742.8341.1947.5350.9353.14TreatmentsABCDEF2001000–100YZ–1000–5010050150–200–1000X100200–200Figure 3. Data analysis and information extractionframework.KSC <strong>Technology</strong> Development and Application <strong>2006</strong>-<strong>2007</strong>93/94

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