Milkyway - Europractice

Milkyway - Europractice

Milkyway - Europractice


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Data Sheet<strong>Milkyway</strong>Foundation Databasefor Nanometer DesignOverviewThe <strong>Milkyway</strong> design database and <strong>Milkyway</strong> Environment facilitate the Galaxy design platform from Synopsys. This widely used databaseis the common data repository for Synopsys integrated circuit (IC) design tools, allowing seamless interoperability among implementationand analysis tools. Because design data is stored in a single database with rapid read/write access, long data translation times betweentools and inconsistent interpretation of diverse data are prevented. <strong>Milkyway</strong> is in wide use for mainstream and advanced design includingtoday’s leading-edge nanometer design flows. Managers, design engineers, and CAD support engineers all appreciate and benefit fromthe smooth design-convergence flows made possible by the <strong>Milkyway</strong> database and Environment.<strong>Milkyway</strong> provides a solid, provenarchitecture for advanced designs. The<strong>Milkyway</strong> Environment contains a layoutviewer/editor, ASCII file readers/writersfor public-domain interchange files, anapplication programming interface (API)for database access, and an extensionlanguage based on the public-domainScheme language for easy integrationand customization. The <strong>Milkyway</strong>Environment is shown in Figure 1.Interoperability is facilitated throughshared views containing criticaldesign data. Access to common datais provided by API functions from boththe Scheme extension language andC-language programs. The <strong>Milkyway</strong> highperformancedatabase is proven over tensof thousands of designs, including multimillion-gatedesigns and designs in thelatest nanometer technologies.LayoutViewer/EditorExtensionLanguageFigure 1. <strong>Milkyway</strong> database and environment<strong>Milkyway</strong> User EnvironmentP and RPreparationToolCommon Logical and Physical Representations<strong>Milkyway</strong> data storageon UNIX file systemFileReaders/WritersExtensionLanguageAPI

Figure 2. <strong>Milkyway</strong> Environment Layout Viewer/EditorBenefitsThe <strong>Milkyway</strong> database and environmentprovide significant benefits to designersand to CAD support engineers includingthe following:■■■■■High productivity for design teamsbecause no translation is requiredbetween design flow stepsImproved quality of results with highspeedaccess to common logical andphysical dataBetter design process predictabilitythrough consistent interpretation ofcommon design dataReady access to design data throughan extension language API and aC-language APIHigh quality readers and writers for thewidely used ASCII interface formatsProven SolutionAn industry-proven solution, <strong>Milkyway</strong>has successfully supported tens ofthousands of tape-outs over a customerbase that includes most leaders in theelectronics industry as well as small, startupcompanies. A number of customershave completed multi-million-gate designsusing <strong>Milkyway</strong> and <strong>Milkyway</strong>-based tools.Many customers have taped out designsin advanced technologies including130-nanometer-based designs while othercustomers have completed 90-nanometerchips using the <strong>Milkyway</strong> database. Thesolid, proven architecture of <strong>Milkyway</strong> isnow enhanced with integration of Synopsys’leading IC implementation tools. The Galaxydesign implementation platform provides acomplete flow from synthesis to GDSII.The stability, extensibility, and suitability of<strong>Milkyway</strong> for the largest and most advancedtechnology designs are well demonstrated.<strong>Milkyway</strong> Database<strong>Milkyway</strong> is a persistent database, i.e., it isstored on disk or other non-volatile bulkmemory where it is accessed by designtools. <strong>Milkyway</strong> is file-based containingmultiple data views, each stored in a singlefile. The views include logical, frame, cell,parasitic, and library, for example. Theseviews are grouped into a directory calleda library (designers think of this as thedesign). Each library may comprise acomplete integrated circuit, a modulewithin an integrated circuit, or a standardcell library. When a library (i.e., design) isused within another library, it is specifiedas a reference library; typical referencelibraries include standard-cell libraries,I/O libraries, and macro libraries.Basic Layout Viewer/EditorThe <strong>Milkyway</strong> Environment provides anexcellent layout viewer along with basicediting capabilities. Engineers can view alayout at any point in the design process.The layout viewer/editor is well provenover thousands of designs including somein excess of 10 million gates. Displaycapabilities include viewable layer selection,zoom, pan, and crop. Layout changes (e.g.,ECOs) are possible with the basic layouteditor through operations such as create,modify and delete for contacts, pins, wires,paths, polygons, rectangles, text, and cellinstances. Figure 2 displays a routed designwith the layout viewer/editor.Place and Route Preparation ToolMany place and route preparation steps areperformed with <strong>Milkyway</strong> tool commands toready a design for place and route as wellas other operations. Commands are providedto create and prepare design libraries.Technology information, cell library formatdata, and top design format data are allinput through the place and route preparationtool. Preparation work handled by <strong>Milkyway</strong>includes setting cell types, controlling layermapping, identifying power and groundports, creating via regions, setting cellboundaries, marking blockage areas, andspecifying advanced port information, for2

For more information aboutSynopsys products, support servicesor training, call us, visit us on the web,or contact your local salesrepresentative.700 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA 94043 www.synopsys.comSynopsys and the Synopsys logo are registered trademarks and <strong>Milkyway</strong>, Astro and JupiterXT are trademark of Synopsys, Inc.All other brands or products are trademarks of their respective owners and should be treated as such. Printed in the U.S.A©2003 Synopsys, Inc. 8/03.PS.WO

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