Rochelle Middle School - Rochelle Community Consolidated School ...

Rochelle Middle School - Rochelle Community Consolidated School ...

Rochelle Middle School - Rochelle Community Consolidated School ...

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FightingFighting is the exchange of mutual physical contact such as pushing or hitting, with or withoutinjury. Without clear and convincing evidence that participants in a fight attempted to avoid theconfrontation, all parties may be disciplined. Self-defense is not contributing in any way, eitherphysically or verbally, to the start or continuation of a conflict. There should be an attempt, however, toretreat or neutralize a hostile situation without escalating it. The police or law enforcement may becomeinvolved regardless of the aggressor. A student participating in repeated fighting incidents may besuspended for up to 10 days out of school or be recommended for possible expulsion.**Please note: Voluntary spectators who encourage, or contribute in any way to a fight situationwill also be subject to disciplinary action.Chronic Unacceptable BehaviorStudents who are guilty of chronic misbehavior anywhere in the building may be subject to moresevere disciplinary consequences than those guilty of an isolated, single event. The following behaviorswill be dealt with most severely include: fighting, stealing, damage to school property, disrespect, or anyaction or statement that disrupts the educational functions of the school.Personal Electronic Devices1. Using or possessing a laser pointer is not permitted anywhere on school grounds……. Unless,under a staff member’s supervision and in the context of instruction. Personal electronic devicessuch as, but not limited to, cell phones, pagers, musical devices, and handheld games may only beused before or after school outside of the school building, (some exceptions to after schoolusage.)2. Electronic devices may be prohibited during field trips – must have team approval in advance.3. Use of these items…. including text messaging or phones being seen or heard, between 8:10-3:13, will result in the device being confiscated and returned only to the student’s parents. Allelectronics must remain in a student’s locker during school.4. Electronic devices are brought at the student's own risk and are not encouraged by the school.Students are subject to detention or confiscation if used outside of specified times and places.5. Cell phones with picture-taking capability and/or any picture-taking device are not allowed in thelocker rooms or bathrooms at any time. Text or IM messages that are threatening in nature orused as a means for bullying or harassment outside the school day may also be subjectdisciplinary consequences.Additional Behavior Guidelines1. After <strong>School</strong>, 3:13: All students who do not ride a bus, and are not waiting for a ride homemust leave school grounds promptly. Those students are not allowed to be at the loading zone ofthe buses (this rule excludes after school detentions, extra curricular activities or persons havingbusiness within the building with school personnel)2. Lunch time – outdoors(recess) – is an earned privilege –any student who is in a conflict withanother student(s) i.e., verbal confrontation, name-calling, threats, pushing/shoving etc., duringthis time, will lose the privilege for the entire year and will have to stay in the cafeteria . Anystudents who have conflicts with each other at other times during the day may also lose theprivilege for the entire year.3. When a student is removed from the classroom or sent from any other location for any reason tothe office and continues to defy office personnel, that student(s) will have additionalconsequences.4. Candy is not allowed anywhere on school grounds, except in the cafeteria if it is part of thestudent’s lunch or if a teacher gives permission for a special occasion.5. Backpacks should remain in the student lockers during the school day.

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