Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

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Endnotesin Gynecology <strong>and</strong> Obstetrics at John Hopkins University, 1951;the CIBA Lecturer at the University of London, UK, 1952;<strong>and</strong> an Honorary Professor at Bahia University, Brazil, 1958.He was awarded the De Snoovan’t Foundation Prize in 1964for research in reproductive physiology (American Men <strong>and</strong> Womenin Science, 1976).3The question is never asked what actually happens to RU <strong>486</strong>once it has taken the place of progesterone.4Initially the half-life of RU <strong>486</strong> was believed to be only around10 hours (Bertagna et al., 1984:27).5Earlier, in a 1988 publication, Baulieu simply stated that ‘In awoman’s body, the half-life of RU <strong>486</strong> is approx. 20 h’—thusmaking the reader believe that this figure was based on conclusiveresearch (p. 125).6One of the few RU <strong>486</strong> studies which investigate its effect onthe hypothalamus is a report from Sheffield, UK (Li et al., 1988)which reports 23 per cent mood changes, irritability, depression<strong>and</strong> marked thirst sensation in women who had received RU<strong>486</strong> in the luteal phase for menstrual induction.7See Schreiber et al. (1983); Deraedt et al. (1985) <strong>and</strong> Heikinheimoet al. (1986) for studies on the pharmakinetics of RU <strong>486</strong> in rats,men <strong>and</strong> women. Many of their results are contradictory <strong>and</strong>inconclusive, <strong>and</strong> the papers end with the dem<strong>and</strong> for furtherresearch. Furthermore, similar studies investigating the mutualactions of RU <strong>486</strong> <strong>and</strong> prostagl<strong>and</strong>ins upon one another havenot been undertaken.8Progestagen-only pills also cause menstrual disturbances, areduction of tubal motility, ‘persistent <strong>and</strong>/or heavy bleeding’,amenorrhea due to anovulation, mastalgia (sore breasts) <strong>and</strong>headaches that are said to be ‘not uncommon’ (Kleinman,1990:64).9In his article about the prevention of cardiovascular risk in womenMichael Kafrissen specifically mentions the proges tinlevonorgestrel as severely implicated in cardiovascular risk forwomen because of its strong <strong>and</strong>rogenicity (1990:18).127

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