Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

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RU <strong>486</strong>drugs’ such as DES <strong>and</strong> Duogynon (one of the early heavydosecontraceptive pills). They also said, ‘the introductionof chemicals to the body can be no less intrusive than surgery’(p. 15) <strong>and</strong> pointed out that RU <strong>486</strong> causes greater bloodloss than conventional termination, thus reinforcing medicalsupervision. Finally, they cautioned against ‘fooling ourselveswith false hopes that this new pill might exp<strong>and</strong> abortionoptions in countries which thus far prohibited abortions’.Similarly, Marie Vallée of the Quebec Family PlanningFederation, in an article entitled ‘RU <strong>486</strong>—Another FakeMiracle?’ wrote in 1989 that nothing is known about longtermeffects, future fertility <strong>and</strong> babies born after repeateduse of the abortion pill. Valleé cautioned against rushing tosupport this drug <strong>and</strong> asked whether it is really the muchawaitedsolution to women’s 20-year dem<strong>and</strong> ‘for moreresearch into products that do not endanger their health <strong>and</strong>the health of their children’ (ISIS Women’s Health Journal1989:32).In response to the WGNRR Newsletter articles in favor ofRU <strong>486</strong>, Rina Nissim, long-term women’s health activist<strong>and</strong> author, expressed disagreement with Callum, Downer<strong>and</strong> Berer (1989:5):20I’m surprised to find no criticism, doubts or disadavantagesof RU <strong>486</strong> described in those two articles… Since whendo we feminists trust a multinational pharmaceuticalcompany like this, without taking the time to search forinformation about possible short-term <strong>and</strong> long-term sideeffects, risk for the woman etc? Is Roussel Uclaf the mostreliable source for this information? Did you forget whatcounter-information is about?Nissim then described events that took place in Geneva in1982, with regard to the first trial. Working with theDispensaire des Femmes at that time, she had close contactswith Rolf Wyss, a member of the clinical trial team at the

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