Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

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RU <strong>486</strong>abortion, this means that many mild analgesics areinappropriate for counteracting the pain, as their use wouldfurther delay the onset of abortion <strong>and</strong>/or further increasethe chemical abortion failure rate. This accounts for theprescription of opiate analgesics, pethidine for example, tocounteract the pain from RU <strong>486</strong>/PG treatment. We wouldsuspect that women taking anti-inflammatory drugs, such asIndocin, Clinoril, Advil, Motrin or Naprosyn for arthritisrelatedinflammatory conditions, are at increased risk ofincomplete abortion. Roussel Uclaf does not warn RU <strong>486</strong>/PG consumers against the combined use of anti-inflammatorydrugs <strong>and</strong> chemical abortion.RU <strong>486</strong> proponents, especially those in the US, claimthat chemical abortion progress is hindered by the absenceof PG preparations that are appropriate for RU <strong>486</strong> salvageoperations. This is viewed as a stumbling block to swiftlicensing of RU <strong>486</strong> <strong>and</strong> ‘a small dose of prostagl<strong>and</strong>in’ by healthauthorities. G.D. Searle (USA) <strong>and</strong> Schering (Germany),which respectively manufacture Cytotec (misoprostol) <strong>and</strong>Nalador (sulprostone), have given us reason to underst<strong>and</strong>that their products are not marketed for use with RU <strong>486</strong> inabortion procedures. Schering’s comment of 19 March 1991reads: ‘We do not indicate the use of our product incombination with Mifepristone. Our information materialon Nalador does not make any reference to such acombination’ (pers. comm. to LD <strong>and</strong> RK).Many assume that fear of moral backlash accounts for thereluctance of pharmaceutical companies to market PGs informs suitable for abortion purpose. However, ‘off-label’prescription of drugs is a frequent medical practice, oncegovernment approval has been obtained for a drug’s specified(‘on-label’) use. 2 Thus, even if PGs are not licensed asabortifacients, this does not preclude their ‘off-label’ use withRU <strong>486</strong> in abortion procedures. Nalador <strong>and</strong> Cytotec arealready two PGs which have been prescribed in this fashion,in the UK, France <strong>and</strong> Sweden, to terminate pregnancy with86

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