Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

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RU <strong>486</strong>Obstetrical <strong>and</strong> gynecological use of PGs commenced inthe early 1970s when oral, intravenous <strong>and</strong> local PGpreparations were used instead of oxytocin as a means ofcervical ripening for the induction of both labor <strong>and</strong> abor tion.The following medical reports of PG applications identify thetrivialization <strong>and</strong> disregard for issues that are of vital concernto women in the management of their reproductive health.The examples cited are in no way selective, <strong>and</strong> representonly a small part of an enormous body of medical literature.Euler et al. (1989), investigated the effects of Arbaprostil, aPGE 2analogue, on the uterus of women who were notpregnant <strong>and</strong> others who were. The purpose of the study wasto avoid litigation as a result of the abortifacient activity of thePG when administered at anti-ulcer dosages. Changes in intrauterinepressure indicated that single doses of Arbaprostilcaused no significant effects on uterine muscle tone in womenwho were not pregnant, nor in first trimester pregnant women.Assured that single dose Arbaprostil had no abortion-inducingpotential, multiple dose studies were then undertaken with upto eight times the maximal amount intended for gastrointestinaltherapy. Abortion rates increased from zero per cent to nineper cent in a dose-dependent manner, as did the gastrointestinalside-effects of nausea, vomiting <strong>and</strong> diarrhea. The incidenceof diarrhea was 38 per cent from 400 mcg (0.4 mg) ofArbaprostil <strong>and</strong> 70 per cent from 1,600 mcg or 1.6 mg ofArbaprostil. These figures probably influenced Euler et al. toissue the following condemnation of the PG usage in abortionprocedures (1989:97):88At doses where we encountered minimal uterine effectsmanifested, primarily by vaginal spotting, the incidence ofgastrointestinal side effects was already very high. If theabsolute dose or frequency of administration were increasedfurther, one can confidently predict that the gastrointestinalside effects would become intolerable to the patients as hasbeen previously documented when PGE 2or its syntheticderivatives have been given orally or intramuscularly.

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