Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

Ru 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals - ressourcesfeministes

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RU <strong>486</strong>cannot even get the patients to return to have their blooddrawn’ (Mishell, quoted in Grimes et al., 1988:1311).Likewise, there have been difficulties in getting women toreturn for sequential treatments of RU <strong>486</strong> <strong>and</strong>prostagl<strong>and</strong>ins, as well as final tests to determine completetermination of pregnancy (Silvestre et al., 1990:646).Additionally, a study done by Hill et al. mentions that sevenper cent of women did not return for a seven day follow-upappointment, 15 per cent did not return for a 14 day followupappointment, <strong>and</strong> 13 per cent did not return for a final 28day appointment (1990a: 415). Any medical treatmentinvolving multiple steps is fraught with non-compliance. Thisis particularly true for abortion where the added moral, legal,<strong>and</strong> physical barriers make it more difficult for women toobtain even a one-step abortion procedure.A nurse who was part of the US trials undertaken byDavid Grimes in Southern California relates—in a letter tothe Los Angeles Times—that she was one of the non-success storiesof the US abortion pill experiment. After 12 hours of severecramping <strong>and</strong> vomiting, she went to the County universityhospital emergency room where she was given an excruciatingpelvic examination, a shot of Demerol (a narcotic analgesic),<strong>and</strong> a prostagl<strong>and</strong>in inhibitor to slow down her contractions.Then after mild bleeding for six more days, shehemorrhaged. She continued to bleed for three months.Tamara Keta Hodgson states that no one is sure why shehad such an extreme response. She chose chemical abortionbecause it was presented to her as a ‘relatively benignexperience’ <strong>and</strong> because she thought it would advance thecauses of both women <strong>and</strong> science.32Do I think RU <strong>486</strong> should be licensed in the United States?I’m not sure. I had access to many resources not availableto the general population of women who might take thedrug. I am a registered nurse who works at one of themost sophisticated hospitals in the world. I was cared for

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