Mark 10 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Mark 10 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Mark 10 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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24.4 hV'ªail. Alå tAyõh.li HT'øx.q;l. bWv’l' Hx'L.viû-rv< )a] !AvåarIh' Hl' ä[.B; lk; äWy-al{#r hw"+hy> ynEåp.li awhiÞ hb' î[eAt-yKi( ha'M'êJ;hu rv[,, (erwath dabhar (translated "nakedness of a thing") isdifficult to define exactly. The noun hwr[, (erwah means "nakedness," and is used mostly asa euphemism for sexual intercourse. Here, the phrase probably means "indecency," or"improper behavior (sexually)."The exact meaning of the phrase had become a matter for debate among Jewishteachers in the first century. <strong>In</strong> the Jewish Mishnah, Gittin 9:<strong>10</strong>, it is reported that"The School of Shammai say: A man may not divorce his wife unless he has foundunchastity in her, for it is written, ‘Because he hath found in her indecency in anything.’“And the School of Hillel say: ‘[He may divorce her] even if she spoiled a dish for him,for it is written, Because he hath found in her indecency in anything.’“Rabbi Akiba says: Even if he found another fairer than she, for it is written, ‘And it shallbe if she find no favor in his eyes...’"Compare Sirach 25:26, “If she [i.e., your wife] does not go as you direct, separate herfrom yourself.” Also, Josephus, The Life 426-28a, “At this period I divorced my wife, beingdispleased at her behavior. She had borne me three children, of whom two died...Afterwards Imarried a woman of Jewish extraction who had settled in Crete...By her I had two sons...Suchis my domestic history.”Josephus, in Antiquities 253 discusses the matter of divorce in the light of the Torah,and states that “He who desires to be divorced from the wife who is living with him forwhatsoever cause–and with mortals many such may arise –must certify in writing that he will905

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