Mark 10 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Mark 10 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Mark 10 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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1633whoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child, shall surely not enter into it!"1632(...continued)hereafter.” (P. 397)1633Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual reality which is "received," andwhich is also "entered into." That is, there is a passive "reception" of the Kingdom, andthere is also an active "entering into" that Kingdom. Strange Kingdom, isn't it? --AKingdom unlike any other kingdom the world has ever known! We can't "earn" it, and thereis no way we can ever "deserve" it. It is a Kingdom of the lowly and the humble, of thosewho have no claims to make on God, but who open up their hearts and lives to "receive"God's gifts, and to allow his rulership over their lives. That is the way, like little children, wemust receive the Kingdom of God! Jesus, the King of that Kingdom, comes to us, and toour world, and freely offers himself to us, as God's "gift." We don't have to do anything to"earn" that gift, and there is no way we could ever "deserve" him. We just "receive" him,and when we do so, we also "receive" the Kingdom of God. God accepts us, and forgivesus, and remakes us, freely. It is God's great gift to his people. Is this the way youunderstand the Kingdom of God?But there is also an active "entering into" the Kingdom of God--as we respondhumbly and with courage to the call of God in Jesus. The Kingdom of God places heavydemands upon us. We have to step out in confidence to follow Jesus in his teaching,wherever that teaching may lead us.Both that passive aspect, and that active aspect, are to be done "like a little child."Pride, and self-dependence are our worst enemies. We have to come to Jesus, and wehave to respond to Jesus in quiet humility, in gentleness, always acknowledging our owndeep need, our constant dependence upon our Father's provision. God has not called usto impress the world with our proud claims, or with our exalted opinions of ourselves. Hehas called us to receive his free gifts, and then to go out into our world as his humbleservants, claiming nothing for ourselves, but proclaiming the greatness of God and his lovefor all of us. He has given us the gift of the Kingdom, and now he wants us to go out intoour world and share that unbelievably great gift with others!Is it any wonder that legalistic interpreters of the New Testament, and of theChristian faith, have failed to incorporate this teaching into their legalistic codes? Forexample, have you ever read a church constitution or by-laws, detailing exactly howprospective members had to "become like little children,” setting forth specific rulesconcerning the necessity for becoming "child-like"? How could their fulfillment be judged?It is easy enough to ask, "Have you been immersed?" Or, “Can you repeat thecreed?” Or, “Have you performed the ritual?” But what about, "Have you become like alittle child?"Which do you think Jesus would consider the most important--being immersed inwater, or receiving little children into our arms, or becoming like little children? We knowthis--he taught that becoming like little children is essential for entering into, or receiving,(continued...)925

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