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attentioninwardsubtle bodystilledagitationselfrevealedvasanaspurifiedignorancefig.43harmonious thought and feeling states, unhelpful when they agitate the SubtleBody, extrovert the attention, and challenge concentration on subtle objects.Unhelpful vasanas are produced by the performance of activities, includingthought and feelings, from spiritually unaware states of mind.Because I don't know I'm an already peaceful, pleasurable being, i.e.the Self, I try to get peace and pleasure from a cigarette. Though short-termpleasure may be experienced 75 the practice is counterproductive because themeditator ends up concentrating on the body, reinforcing identification withit, and producing a dull state of mind. Smokers can usually meditate onlyafter smoking, when the desire is temporarily submerged. Were a meditativestate achieved by a smoker it would undoubtedly disappear with the nextcraving. The systematic destruction of the body causes increasing mental andemotional agitation, further reducing Self/self awareness.Actions motivated by selfishness and excessive concern for resultsproduce unhelpful vasanas. For example, unaware that love is my nature, Icrave it through others, and uncomfortably saddle myself with an agitatedemotion-dominated mind. 76Fear-motivated actions produce negative vasanas. Worry about thebody, health, money, gain or loss distracts the mind until it loses the power toenjoy to such an extent that worldly pleasures no longer satisfy it, let alonethe bliss of meditation.75 See “Removing the Wall” on page 4.76 See the discussion in Chapter 4 of Meditation, The Science of the Self, "A Daunting List").56

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