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Desire-prompted activities produce unhelpful vasanas. Greed, pride,lust, deceit...religion's seven deadly sins...extrovert and stir the mind makingit unfit for meditation.WHAT TO DO?Consuming and enjoying x produces an attraction vasana for x.Consuming and not enjoying produces an aversion vasana for x. 77 Withoutan action, subtle and/or gross, a vasana will not be produced. 78 Whenexperience takes place and the mind is free of attraction and aversion novasanas are produced. If x is not consumed when the vasana for it explodesin the Subtle Body, it does not recycle but is removed from the CausalBody, assuming it is acknowledged, not reinforced by longing, or repressed.Repressed desires come back. Therefore, it is possible to add, change, ordelete vasanas.A person developed colon cancer and needed an operation. The doctorcut the abdomen to remove the cancer and caused the patient’s death.Though the operation was unsuccessful, the doctor was lauded for a nobleattempt to save a life. Another man walking down a dark alley after the barsclosed was accosted by a mugger who thrust a knife in his abdomen, killinghim instantly. The robber was vilified and sent to prison for life. In bothcases the cause of death was the same, a knife to the gut, but the killerssuffered quite different fates. Were the action itself inherently evil the doctorwould be doing time; were it inherently good the mugger would have gonescot-free. Actions in themselves are neither spiritual nor unspiritual, helpfulor unhelpful, good or bad. If the motivating attitude is the criticalingredient in the production of helpful or unhelpful vasanas, it stands toreason that changing the nature of the motivation will have an effect onthe vasana.CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDETo change our attitudes we have to cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulnessor self-awareness is constantly compromised because the vasanas extrovertthe attention factor. Mindfulness is paying attention to and identifying77 “Consumption” represents any desire-prompted activity.78 A subtle action is a thought or feeling.57

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