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2501926 Scott 498cc TTRacing MotorcycleRegistration no. WU 6464Frame no. 3Engine no. TT3 (see text)The MotorCycle TT practice report 10 June 1926. © Mortons ArchiveThe Scott factory had a wonderful record in the Isle of Man prior to theoutbreak of war in 1914. They won the Senior TT in 1912 & 1913, andTim Wood was leading the 1914 race when the failure of his Boschmagneto caused his retirement. They also set the fastest lap in each ofthese three years. When racing recommenced in the twenties they stillhad some fine results: 3rd & 4th in 1922, 2nd in 1924, but by this timethey were beginning to fall behind the fastest four strokes.The iconic watercooled two stroke twin engine was virtually a Scotttrademark throughout their existence, but prior to the 1926 TTpractically every machine had featured their tried and tested two speedgear. For the 1921 TT they had coupled the two speed gear with aseparate two speed gearbox thus creating a four speed transmission,but it can’t have been a great success because they went back to twospeeds for the 1922 race.However, the three works Scotts which arrived on the Island forthe 1926 race were unlike anything which had gone before. Sogroundbreaking were they that in their practice report of June 10th1926 The MotorCycle devoted considerable space to the new Scottsincluding a photograph of this machine, WU 6464. The enginewould have been familiar, but the frame, forks, tank, and three speedtransmission were radically different from the earlier two speed racers.The whole machine was substantially bigger and heavier. Thesenew Scotts were the template for the new Flying Squirrel which waslaunched at Olympia later in the year and which, with various fairlyminor changes, stayed in production at Shipley until the factory closedin 1951.44 | the spring stafford sale

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