MODEL V2648XL, V2648 - MinnPar

MODEL V2648XL, V2648 - MinnPar

MODEL V2648XL, V2648 - MinnPar


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.,F. DECK EXTENSIONLift lockpin, at right side of deck, and push extensiondeck forward (or out). When fully extended,lockpin will automatically lock. To retract, liftlockpin and pull extension deck all the way backuntillockpinautomatically locksextension deck in place.CAUTIONDo not lower extension deck onpeople or any objects!G. 'REMOVABLE' UPPER CONTROLBOXUnsnap overcenter latch at bottom of upper controlbox and pull plug out of receptacle. Bend cable sothat plug faces down. Snap cover onto receptacleat bottom of box. Lift box and store it in a secureplace to prevent unauthorized use of theCONDOR®.III.MOVING FROM JOB-SITE TOJOB-SITEA. LOADING AND UNLOADINGAlthough this CONDOR® is somewhat smallcompared with larger construction equipment, itrequires the same care and attention in loading,transporting, and unloading. At no time should itssize,or weight be under estimated. Beforeloading or unloading, inspect the CONDOR® forany physical damage or defects.The means by which you load or unload theCONDOR® should be of sufficient strength towithstand its weight.<strong>MODEL</strong><strong>V2648</strong><strong><strong>V2648</strong>XL</strong>V2653V2653XLWEIGHT(#)44001bs.45001bs.46001bs.47001bs.WEIGHT(KG)1860kg1905 kg1950 kg1996 kgB. RAMP METHODEnsure that the ramp is sufficiently strong tosupport the weight of the CONDOR®.The ramp should be set, not steeper than thisCONDOR®'s rated gradeability, which for Model<strong>V2648</strong>/531XL is 14 0 or 25%, or a rise ono inchesin a run of 10 feet.Before driving the CONDOR® on a ramp, lowerthe platform completely, test the drive/steercontrols and the brake system.CAUTIONSelect "low" drive speed,not "high" and not "creep".The front of the CONDOR® should be uphill,meaning: Drive forward uphill and reversedown.Keep CONDOR® in alignment with the rampduring loading and unloading procedures.C. FORKLIFT LOADING ANDUNLOADING METHODEnsure that the forklift has sufficient capacity tohandle the weight of this CONDOR®.(SEE III. A. )This CONDOR® can be lifted from the rear,using the forklift pockets provided.NOTE THAT THE CENTER OF GRAVITYIS 50 INCHES FROM THE END OF THECONDOR®.The CONDOR® should only be raised to a heightsufficient to clear any obstructions.Keep forklift travel to a minimum, carryCONDOR® as close as possible to the ground,and set it down gently.MANUtu. 92357-001JUNE 1997

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