AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

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LUMEN FEATURELUMEN’S OUTSTANDING GLOBAL GROWTHHONOURED IN VICTORIAN AWARDSFamily owned and operated Lumen Australiahonoured with induction into the prestigiousVictorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame.The award was presented to Managing Director, Keith Evansby The Minister for Trade & Industry, Major Projects and IT, theHon. Theo Theophanous, at a gala dinner in Melbourne attendedby more than 900 people representing the cream of Victoria’smanufacturing along with State and Local Governmentrepresentatives.The Victorian Government together with the ManufacturingIndustry Consultative Council recognises the achievements ofcompanies that demonstrate sustained achievements ofmanufacturing in each industry sector or by succeeding indemanding offshore markets. The induction into the VictorianManufacturing Hall of Fame is reserved only for Victoria’s elite,multi-award winning manufacturers.In announcing the award the company was recognised for itshigh levels of customer service, technical expertise, exceptionalmarket performance and growth in Australia’s modernmanufacturing arena. It was acknowledged that Lumen embodiesthe highest levels of technical expertise with key global alliancesin a modern approach to manufacturing with clear customerfocus.Founded in 1984 by Chairman and Managing Director, KeithEvans, the company was initially located in Dandenong. However,as a result of exceptional year on year growth which in recentyears has been upwards of 40 percent, it was forced to move tomodern purpose built premises of some 5,000 square metres inHallam in 2005. These premises are currently being extendedfurther to accommodate a new high-tech electronic E-lab forenvironmental and electrical testing for both internal and outsideuse by industry.Today the company employs approximately 100 highly skilledpeople within the Hallam plant in Melbourne with a global totalLumen Australia Managing Director Keith Evans... the company was recognised for its high levels ofcustomer service, technical expertise, exceptionalmarket performance and growth in Australia’smodern manufacturing arena. It was acknowledgedthat Lumen embodies the highest levels of technicalexpertise with key global alliances in a modernapproach to manufacturing with clear customer focus.Lumen Australia warehouse in Hallam, Victoria22 AU T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M AG A Z I N E AU G U ST 2 0 0 8 www.aaaa.com.au

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