AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

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ENGINE ENHANCEMENTNEW BOSCH SPARK PLUGS – PERFORMANCE DRIVENQuite simply, the new Bosch spark plug program delivers value for money. Four distinct product offeringshave been developed to provide the aftermarket with a tailored range of affordable performance options.Bosch Super Plus is the longest-lastingcopper core spark plug on the market.Using an Yttrium enhanced centreelectrode these original equipment qualityplugs offer a service life of up to40,000km.Bosch Platinum Plus uses a pureplatinum centre electrode and yttriumenhanced ground electrode to increaseservice life to 60,000km. Platinum Plusdelivers a more reliable spark at higherRPMs for premium engine performance.Bosch Platinum Fusion delivers theultimate in spark plug performance. Usinga patented, fused iridium and platinumcentre electrode combined with exclusivesurface air gap firing technology toproduce a longer, more powerful spark.The four yttrium-enhanced groundelectrodes significantly reduce gap wearleading to the longest service life of morethan 100,000km.For the demanding environment of highperformance vehicles, such as those fittedwith a turbo or supercharger, BoschDouble Platinum is designed to handle thesignificantly higher pressures in thecompression chamber. The pure platinumcentre electrode and platinum alloyedground electrode ensure service life ofmore than 100,000km.The new Bosch spark plug range iseasier to manage thanks to the extensiveresearch and testing carried out by Boschengineers to rationalise part numberswithout sacrificing either performance orservice life.The complete retail Bosch spark plugrange is available in high quality blisterpackaging to improve visualmerchandising and has already proven tobe very popular in leading automotiveretailers such as Supercheap andAutobarn.Trade-focused packaging is alsoavailable for the Platinum Plus, SuperPlus and Double Platinum plugs in eitherindividually boxes or convenient packsof 10.For more information regarding thecomplete Bosch spark plug program or acopy of the 2008 Spark Plug Catalogueplease contact your local Bosch distributoror call the Bosch Customer Service Centreon 1300 30 70 40.AU T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M AG A Z I N E AU G U ST 2 0 0 8 43

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