When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

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There was a sudden burning ache in Joanna's throat. Avoiding <strong>the</strong>cynical amusement in Cal's smile, she moved out on to <strong>the</strong> landing.'May I see <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r rooms, please?'There was ano<strong>the</strong>r fair-sized bedroom, a tiny box- room, and abathroom gleaming in ivory and turquoise. Then <strong>the</strong>y followed MrMorris downstairs, and inspected <strong>the</strong> small walled garden at <strong>the</strong> backof <strong>the</strong> cottage.The fragrant aroma of coffee greeted <strong>the</strong>m on <strong>the</strong>ir return.'Please help yourselves to cream and sugar.' Mrs Osborne passedround <strong>the</strong> cups. 'Is <strong>the</strong>re any fur<strong>the</strong>r information I can give you?''It might be helpful if we knew what your own plans were,' Calsuggested. 'The kind of time-scale we're considering.''I can move at any time—in fact <strong>the</strong> sooner <strong>the</strong> better. I'm joining mysister in Eastbourne. We've always been great friends, and she'sfinding her large flat something of a burden <strong>the</strong>se days.' Mrs Osbornepaused. 'We have both been fairly recently widowed, youunderstand.''Yes.' Cal's face was grave as he glanced around him. 'It must be awrench to give up such a lovely home.''Yes,' Mrs Osborne acknowledged with a faint sigh. 'Jim put animmense amount of time and effort into making it as perfect aspossible for our retirement. That bed, for instance.' Her cheekspinkened slightly. 'He searched high and low for one. He wasabsolutely determined—said it reminded him of <strong>the</strong> hotel where we'dspent our honeymoon. And, when he found it, he spent monthsrepairing and restoring it. It was a real labour of love.''That's quite obvious,' Cal said gently. 'Was he a local man?'

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