When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

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His smile widened insolently. 'Now that's carrying pessimism too far.'He paused, watching <strong>the</strong> colour flood into her face. 'I shall expect youto join me at <strong>the</strong> country club at eight this evening,' he went on. 'Anddon't make me come and fetch you, because that would annoy me.''I'm shivering in my shoes,' she flung at him, furious with herself forblushing.'No, lass, not you.' He swung himself off <strong>the</strong> rail, dusting off histrousers. 'You're not a weakling like Simon. You're a chip off <strong>the</strong> oldblock. Taming you, Joanna Chalfont, is going to be a privilege as wellas a pleasure.''You're disgusting, Callum Blackstone!' She held herself verystraight. 'I loa<strong>the</strong> and despise you, and I always will!'He laughed, running a hatefully casual finger down <strong>the</strong> curve of herwarm cheek. 'Tell me that again in <strong>the</strong> morning,' he said, and walkedaway from her up <strong>the</strong> path towards <strong>the</strong> car park.Joanna was suddenly aware that her breathing was as hurried as ifshe'd been taking part in some marathon race, and that her legs hadturned to jelly, but she made herself stand <strong>the</strong>re, unmoving anddefiant, until his car started up, and turned on to <strong>the</strong> road above.She saw him lower <strong>the</strong> window and lean out, lifting his hand in amocking salute.'Until tonight.' The words came to her faintly, and were instantlypicked up by <strong>the</strong> crowding hills, and echoed back with disagreeabletriumph, and all too distinctly. Until tonight—until tonight...With a little sob, Joanna pressed her hands over her ears, and began tostumble up <strong>the</strong> path towards her own vehicle.Damn him, she thought violently. Damn him for all eternity!

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