When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

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doesn't know anything about my part in all this, of course, and it'sessential he doesn't know.''But why?' She spread her hands helplessly. 'Why should you dothat?''To let him off <strong>the</strong> hook. To release him from any sense of obligationto me. To provide <strong>the</strong> beginning of <strong>the</strong> end of this whole drearybloody mess.' Cal spoke with a kind of weary distaste. 'It's gone on fortoo long—taken too much time and energy from all of us that couldhave been better spent. As I told you, I want it over with.''Yes.' She drew a deep breath. 'But—you see—when you said youwanted to see Simon urgently, I thought...''That I wanted to accuse him of burning down his business?' Calshook his head. 'On <strong>the</strong> contrary, I was planning to offer him atemporary site on <strong>the</strong> mill complex while he rebuilds.' His mouthtwisted. 'He'll almost certainly refuse, but I'll have made <strong>the</strong> gesture,and maybe, from now on, we can all get on with our own lives inpeace.'Peace? she thought. What peace can <strong>the</strong>re be when I'm being tornapart like this? <strong>When</strong> your eyes don't meet mine? <strong>When</strong> you speak asif we're mere acquaintances, and <strong>the</strong>re's no warmth in your smile?<strong>When</strong> you stay on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r side of <strong>the</strong> room?She said unevenly, 'I seem to have made a major fool of myself, and Iapologise. I was too upset to think clearly. I'd better go.''You'll have that coffee first.' Cal gave her a critical glance. 'You looklike hell.'She smiled pallidly. 'Ever <strong>the</strong> flatterer.'

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