When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

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Yet he'd summed up some of her past reactions with disturbingaccuracy, she recalled unwillingly. His comments about her marriageto Martin had been too close to <strong>the</strong> mark for comfort.She shivered. What was she saying? She'd loved Martin, of courseshe had. He'd been sweet and safe and <strong>the</strong>re, and she'd thought thatwas enough. She'd convinced herself that it was.Only it wasn't, she thought wretchedly. How could it be? And it wasdisaster for both of us.On <strong>the</strong> day of his funeral, she'd stood in <strong>the</strong> small bleak churchyard in<strong>the</strong> conventional black dress of <strong>the</strong> widow, feeling drained ofemotion, totally objective, as if all this tragedy were happening tosome o<strong>the</strong>r person. She could even remember being thankful that <strong>the</strong>demure veiling on her equally conventional hat concealed <strong>the</strong> factthat she was completely tearless.Then she'd looked up and seen Cal Blackstone staring at her. He'dbeen standing on <strong>the</strong> edge of <strong>the</strong>small crowd of mourners, but hishead wasn't bent in grief or common respect. There had beenbitterness i'a <strong>the</strong> look he sent her, and condemnation, and overlyingall a kind of grim triumph.Don't think I've given up, his glance had told her. This marriage ofyours was just an obstacle which has now been removed. And nowI'm coming after you again.The knowledge of it had been like a blow, knocking all <strong>the</strong> breath outof her body. Involuntarily, instinctively, she'd taken a step backwardsin instant negation, her foot stumbling on a tussock of earth.'Be careful, my dear!' Her fa<strong>the</strong>r had insisted on attending <strong>the</strong>ceremony with her, standing bareheaded at her side in <strong>the</strong> windsweptgraveyard, and she'd snatched at his arm for comfort and support as

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