When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

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It was frankly a relief to Joanna when she could announce herintention of having an early night, and retire upstairs.She had not expected to sleep, and yet she. found her eyelids wereclosing almost as soon as her head touched <strong>the</strong> pillow. Her dreamswere fleeting, elusive, disturbing. Always she seemed to be searchingfor something that remained just beyond her reach.<strong>When</strong> she felt a touch on her shoulder, she was awake in an instant. 'Itstill feels like <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong> night,' she yawned, lifting herself onto an elbow.'It is <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong> night, Miss Jo.' It was Nanny who'd woken her,and beyond her Mrs Thursgood was hovering in <strong>the</strong> doorway. 'Canyou come downstairs a minute? There's been some trouble at <strong>the</strong>Craft Company. A policeman would like to have a word with you.''Oh, God!' She was out of bed immediately, reaching for her robe andthrusting her feet into slippers.The policeman was waiting in <strong>the</strong> drawing-room. He was big and fairand serious-looking.'I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you, madam,' he said. 'There'sbeen a fire at your workshops.''Oh, no!' Joanna ran her tongue round suddenly dry lips. 'Has it donemuch damage?''I'm afraid so. It had got a good hold by <strong>the</strong> time <strong>the</strong> alarm went off,although someone had reported it before <strong>the</strong>n.' He paused. 'It wasactually Mr Simon Chalfont I wanted to have a word with, but yourhousekeeper informs me he's not expected home tonight/'That's right.' Joanna kept her voice calm. 'But his partner, Mr PhilipDriscoll, is available...'

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